Sunday, May 29, 2011

Executive order 1563 Under the Radar Extreme Regulation

- - - Doing right is even harder than it looks.

Mr. Sunstein is confident. He intends to design the regulatory framework to make
a perfect world.  (We will all get the chance to be a statistic in Sunstein's Sim World)

Cass Sunstein is tasked with the expansion of  Executive Order 1563
in an effort to insure that the government regulates every area of life.

Whether he believes that extreme government regulation is desirable or  he just wants to create a system that will destroy humanity as we know it, we don't know. 
We do know that Mr. Obama has empowered another self confident  mad man
to torture the Americans and ultimately the world.
Cass Sunstein's weapon of choice is  ridiculous and dangerous regulations.  In either case, it  Mr. Sunstein hopes to replace humanity with a matrix like model
where each survivor is plugged in zonked out
 and has lost all personal freedom. 

Certainly Mr. Sunstein is very bright but lacking in wisdom. In addition, if history tells us
anything, it shouts 'no one is that bright'.  No one human is that wise.  No human is beyond hubris.
No human can be trusted with large amounts of power.  Especially, those humans that believe
there is no God.  Or worse, believe they serve the defacto god, the state. Or worst of all,
those that believe they are God.  There is no evidence that Mr. Sunstein believes he is God.
There is plenty of evidence that he feels free to act as defacto God.

Though supremely self confident Mr. Sunstein has no concept of the consequences of  his
attempts at social alchemy.  Turning Mr. Sunstein loose
with this level of regulatory power is a
little like putting an amoral petulant three year old prodigy
in charge of a fully equipped chemical plant.
He might get the some good results but  his orders will certainly result in
suffering, injury and death for all those in proximity  to the plant.

Cass Sunstein has been granted the power  by the president.
As a result, he and his staff are working hard to implement 
the regulations needed to assimilate the nation and eventually the entire planet into
his concept of a borg like collective. (of course he thinks he is saving
humanity as he thinks it should be)

Produce regulations to:
regulatory system
must protect everything
must use the best science
must insure that regulations protect
all animals
insure attorneys for all animals
and promote government jobs. (non productive and toxic jobs)

Hitler and Stalin would be proud of Cass Sunstein and
the result he is sure to produce if allowed to
continue his construction of the machinery of tyranny.

 Can you say Edward Bernays?  How about Woodrow Wilson?

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