Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Bloomberg Could Have Sheryl Crow to Do a Concert For Flush Aid

-Doing right - harder than it sounds o_o?-

This 4th of July weekend New Yorker's visiting Coney Island were confronted with park employees handing out  2 squares of toilet paper per visit to the public toilets.  Due to budgeting constraints all toilet paper rolls were removed from the public toilets on Coney Island.  Specifically the women's toilets. The budgeting geniuses
in New York figured out that they could waste even more money by hiring people to stand at the rest rooms to hand out 2 squares of paper per toilet user.

Mayor Bloomberg was rumored to have laughed as he acknowledged  the brilliance of the ploy.
Advisers tauted this as a sure fire way to get the mentally challenged citizens of New York behind
plans to increase fees, taxes and otherwise tax the 'taxed enough already' populace of New York.
Bloomberg and his cronies are confident that New Yorkers will not see through this ploy just as they failed to see previous city boondoggles.

 New York in the midst of a brain drain as a result of the ruling elites abuse of productive citizens  has an increasing proportion of glib but short sighted denizens.  New York City employees receive exorbitant benefits and salaries far above what employees in the private sector earn.  If you are not a government employee,  part of the ruling elite  or a criminal on the take.  New York is not for you.  Reform is much needed but far too many of the honest people have left for reform to be considered.  New York like Chicago, Los Angeles, San Fransisco and so many other formerly great cities is on course to join Detroit as an epic fail city. Toilet paper rationing is just a symptom.  The city rulers have literally made it so that the public cannot wipe its butt.  This stinks. Some would say that is poetic justice.  Selah.

Flash head line.
Toilet Paper Rationing Hits New York.  Women Hit Hardest

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