Friday, July 6, 2012

Eva Longoria Calls for Return to Slavery (Weird)

-Doing right - harder than it sounds o_o!-

Eva Longoria, the sexy and ignorant 7/8 white beauty pretending to be black. Eva claims that she is 1/4 black in her words 'no white woman has pubic hair this coarse'.
First of all I am not in a position to dispute or affirm her claim.  The writer of this blog claims ignorance on this point. But if she wants to claim to be black or white is her business, her choice.  But when she comes out in support of  slavery, I have a problem with her.
To support the party that has encouraged slavery and exploitation of the individual and entire races for over 150 years is asinine.  (Unless you support the evil forces in nature- I just sayin' ...)  Oh that's the Democrat party if you didn't know. It is also the party that has always supported lynching form 'Jim Lynch' of legend to Al Sharpton of the all to real present the Democrat party in America has always facilitated lynching.  So why to people who claim to be black vote for the Democrats?   Is it mind control?  Maybe fear of the Klan?
No it is probably ignorance.  I'm just sayin' ...
 What is your take?
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