Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Obama Vows to Throw Every Child and Senior Under the Bus

-Doing right - harder than it sounds o_o?-
Obama has threatened to throw the children and seniors under the bus if he does not get his way.
Obama is threatening to shut the government down if congress doesn't to stop all job production.
Boehner is set to cave at this imaginary threat.  Raising taxes on those people and organizations would halt all  job production in the country.   This seems crazy but that is the view of many people.  For the record increased taxes have historically tended to halt or slow economic growth. 

Representative Allen West of Florida commented that about a third of the nations people are 'stuck on
stupid'.  Obama is either the most malicious U.S. or the most ignorant.  It is the consensus that while he is a beautiful man and so involved with his family that he does not know the age of his oldest daughter
that he is a good guy.   Obama like so many poorly educated people thinks that they can get everything they want if they take from the 'rich'.  This has never worked out well.  From the French revolution and
later the Paris Commune and finally Stalinist Russia and  Mao's China Mr. Obama's policies have always ended in dramatic failure and lives lost in the hundreds of millions.   Contemporary culmination of Obama-like policies can be seen in Zimbabwe and North Korea. Those are extreme examples but one could take a look at what is happening in Greece, Portugal and Ireland to see the transitional change in slightly more advanced societies.  Mr. Obama promised to fundamentally change
our America.  Many heard the word 'change' and cheered for the  'change'.  Obama's policy is to change the most productive country the world has ever seen into a country that barely produces enough for its own people.  Let us hope that the people not stuck on stupid will halt this failed process.  Unfortunately,  the Speaker of the United States House, Boehner is a weak man who has been repeatedly snookered by Obama.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

DOJ smuggled Arms to Drug Cartels

-Doing right - harder than it sounds o_o?-

The director of the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms says he was directed to do so from the Department of Justice (DOJ).  Attorney General  Eric Holder is the head of the DOJ.   Holder continues to feign ignorance of the smuggling fiasco despite deaths linked to the guns supplied at the request of the DOJ/BATF

The U.S. government facilitated the smuggling of guns to drug cartels in Mexico.

All This Complaining About the Government Lets Me Know that We Have Free Speech

-Doing right is even harder than it sounds o_o?-

All This Complaining About the Government Lets Me Know that We Have Free Speech.
Woot. One of those negative liberties. Dang.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Mark Dayton's DEFILER Compulsion to Give Away Other People's Money

-Doing right is even harder than it sounds o_o?-

Governor Mark Dayton is compelled to spend other people's money.  Dayton is more tight fisted with his own largely inherited  wealth.  Mark Dayton was elected by the DFL party which is unique to Minnesota .  Such notables such as Walter Mondale and Hubert Humphries and Eugene McCarthy have been spawned by the   Democrat Farmer-Labor party  (DFL).  The DFL  party known within the Minnesota as DFLers  or DEFILERs  is solidly supportive of big and growing  government.  Governor Mark Dayton,  despite creepy soft halting speech and his compulsion  to take other peoples money managed to get elected  governor.  Now there is no backing down.  No matter the human cost or craziness,   Dayton intends to tax the state soundly or drain every one of the alleged 10,000 lakes.

Mark Dayton said that his mental disorder does not interfere with his sleep.

Chavez Will Escape Cuba After Making Generous Concessions

-Doing right is even harder than it sounds o_o?-

After almost dying from 'magic herbs' Chavez gets a second chance.
It appears that Chavez was tough enough to survive the perforations of his gut by 'magic herbs'.
Cuban doctors were able to save him after he agreed to give Cuba oil at cost.  Cuba has no way to refine any amount of crude oil.  Chavez has arranged to have the oil refined before delivery.
Venezuela's poor after a brief boost from Chavez's social justice program have managed to increase their ranks.   The  now impoverished former middle class  have now joined the ranks of the Venezeulan poor. Things are just as bad  as ever.   And now there is no way out for Venezuelans.  Chavez has closed the avenues to education and advancement.  President Chavez's administration has rationed electricity and toilet paper

Who is ARTBA and NAFTA

-Doing right - harder than it sounds o_o?-

Rant rant Government and Big Corporations

We have lots of money.  Ask NAFTA investors.  No they are making lots of money off of short sighted  Americans. NAFTA investors are making money with the aid of corrupt and crazy politicians.  We do not really need the U.S.    It is hard to see what Americans will gain.  Maybe we will get free soccer riots.  Disposable burkas could be a perk that U.S. citizens could receive in exchange for their freedom.  Like Obama said about the Bill of Rights "... a bunch of negative liberties for the State..."
No one should need protection from the Federal State.  Just step into this nice oven - errrr - shower and you will feel better.  We could get money for people like Pelosi and Reid and Schumer.  If the U.S. will sell  our transportation system to foreign powers we will have additional obligations and still have an unsustainable economy. Really unsustainable.   I mean really, really, really  unsustainable.   The ARTBA is more than willing to sell the country down the tubes for a 'chance' to work for foreign employers.   ARTBA thinks that Americans are as short sighted and stupid as the ARTBA.  It looks as if the ARTBA mavens are right.  Some person once said that no one ever went broke betting on the gullibility of the public.  And another huckster quipped 'There's a sucker born every minute'.   Once a minute is ridiculously conservative.   The birthrate of suckers is much higher, very much higher.  You probably know a member of this slave over seer organization known as ARTBA.  Sorry if it is offensive.  It is  offensive to sell 300 million people into perpetual servitude.  ...without their opportunity to opt out...

Bloomberg Could Have Sheryl Crow to Do a Concert For Flush Aid

-Doing right - harder than it sounds o_o?-

This 4th of July weekend New Yorker's visiting Coney Island were confronted with park employees handing out  2 squares of toilet paper per visit to the public toilets.  Due to budgeting constraints all toilet paper rolls were removed from the public toilets on Coney Island.  Specifically the women's toilets. The budgeting geniuses

Monday, July 4, 2011

Eagles Fly Higher Than Other Birds

-Doing right is even harder than it sounds o_o?-

When it rains, most birds head for shelter; the eagle avoids the rain,too. The eagle will fly above the clouds...

The eagle lives longer than most birds.

Where Is My Job? Find Out Where the Jobs Went

-Doing right is even harder than it sounds o_o?-

Most everyone knows someone that is out of work.  If you are one of the unlucky ones or know one of the unemployed, the following sight will enable you to click on your geographical area in the lower 48 and show in most cases show what happened to a particular plant and how many jobs were lost at that
particular installation.  You can also find out who your congressman and senator is.  Just in case you do not know.  NAFTA was touted as a Trade agreement but it is more an Investment agreement  than anything else.

Disconnect - Black Voters Support Democrat Candidates

-Doing right is even harder than it sounds o_o?-

The Democrat party supported slavery.
The members of the KKK were exclusively Democrat party members.
Democrats lynched Republican blacks for years.
Democrats passed and enforced Jim Crow laws. (Laws that denied many blacks the vote)
Democrat policies halted the rise of black families to middle class status.
Democrat policies all but destroyed the black family.
Democrat policies locked poor blacks into perpetually inferior education systems.
Democrat policies take away and limit our civil freedoms.
Democrat policies seek to reduce all peoples standard of living.
Republican policies ended slavery.
Republican policies opened higher education to blacks.
Republican policies ensured civil rights.
Martin Luther King was a lifelong Republican.
Blacks vote 90% for Democrat candidates anyway.
Why? For what reason do black voters support Democrat candidates.
What are black voters thinking?

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Some Fail Stuff and Odd Things

-Doing right is even harder than it sounds o_o?-
Stuff I picked up from failblog.com and topten sites don't recall where exactly. Those sites take forever to load and misdirection to ads are all over it.

USDA APHUS (Rabbit Police on Break- Their citations are even heftier)
Beginning at $90,000  and going to $4,000,000

This is a wacky law in Florida.  It is illegal to shower naked.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

We Told You First. DSK Arrest Is Fishy Everyone Else gets Month Old 'News' We Published 'the DSK Arrest Fishy from the start'

-Doing right is even harder than it sounds o_o?- 
Yes we called it suspicious from the get go and when a Bilderberg Operative moves in to head the IMF...
This blogger stands confirmed.   A Bilderberg operative with ties to Kissinger and Geitner and she just happens to hang out in Chicago moves into DSK's vacated spot as Chief of the International Monetary Fund.  
Well this week

A Few Fails

-Doing right is even harder than it sounds o_o?-
Dumber than dumb.
Must be a magic bus. Yeah, a magic bus powered by magic energy.  But the sign was created with petroleum distillates. Better not tell him how much oil it took to make that poster board and the shirt the guy behind him is wearing ain't homespun.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Cenk Uygar Self Proclaimed Cheat and Liar

-Doing right - harder than it sounds o_o?-

Though wildly acclaimed as the model for young liberal propagandist masquerading as non partisan journalists.  Cenk Uygar contines to host proudly as news anchor.  Recall that  Cenk while on air admitted that he was a cheat and a liar.   Either no one was listening or his  MSNBC audience  feels that they should get their news from a liar.  After all  MSNBC viewers  cannot be overly concerned with truth, honesty, integrity and other bothersome ethics concepts.  Go MSNBC. But though glib, Cenk is  not helpful as a news caster.  A sweet man.  Cenk is so kind and good.  A cheat and a liar but a good man just like Anthony Weiner.  Cenk is not quiet so stupid. Well except for that little faux pas of admitting to his character on air. (Some sophist might recall the Liar's Paradox here. But despite hundred's of years of mathematical discourse on this problem, the Paradox is non existent if one takes into account the concept of 'sense', domain, and sentence composition. I declare the Liar's Paradox as not so much solved but as non existent. Oh yeah... this is not a math blog. I will not bother  with further explanation due to the wealth of writing on the subject.)  Weiner as you may remember had to give up his job as Democrat Chief Liar to Debbie Blabbermouth whose name says it all and Chuck Schumer who is best known for declaring epic fails as victories.  All the above would declare with a straight face that the Cubs have won 90 of the last 100 World Series.   Of course the Cubs have won zip.   And it is not in the cards for them to win; they are the cursed club.  The public continues to empower these pathological liars year after year.  This is what democracy looks like. All that remains is for Cenk, Schumer and their ilk to gather and chant that they will march in the millions to end Israel.   Oh they already did that.  This cannot end well for the marchers.  Selah.

The Feds have Declared War on the Barred Owl

-Doing right is even harder than it sounds o_o?-

In order to save the spotted owl, the Feds have begun spending millions to contain the encroachment of barred owls.  The final solution is to ship the barred owls back east.  And when the money gets low the Feds will kill the barred owls. 

Boehner and Cantor Plan to Weasel Out and Cave to Obama

-Doing right is even harder than it sounds o_o?-
The best we will get is a bunch of smoke and mirrors.  And an a trillion dollar decrease in spending spread out over the next decade. In other words, Boehner will do get nothing for caving.
Boehner is a sell out waiting to happen.

Stu Burgiere Put Duct Tape Over His Mouth

-Doing right is even harder than it sounds o_o?-
Many who have listened to the Glenn Beck show have called for the use of duct tape.
Specifically they would like the duct tape applied to Stu Burgiere's head.  Not to keep his head from exploding but rather to shut him up.
Many listeners they have suggested that the tape cover the smiling doofus's mouth.

Strauss-Kahn Accuser's Credibility Questioned - Her Story Keeps Changing

-Doing right is even harder than it sounds o_o?-
Dominigue Strauss-Kahn's charges may be reduced or dropped altogether in light of revelations concerning his accuser.  The 32 year old maid, drug addict and  sex worker has changed her story to authorities at least 14 times over the past month.  The Guinean national was revealed to have altered her story at almost every questioning session.  Prosecutors feel that she is so unreliable that she may submit multiple accounts while on the witness stand if the case should ever go to trial.  The prosecutors fear that the maid/addict may  reveal the persons that prompted her to accuse Strauss-Kahn.   Prosecutors are busily shopping for a judge that will accept the bogus case.  At this time they have not found a judge willing to force Strauss-Kahn to make a guilty plea.  Strauss-Kahn, known as DSK, is not willing to make a guilty plea for something he did not do.  Amid all the hubbub it is rumoured that the vaunted DNA evidence belongs to someone other than DSK.  Oops!  And the case goes down the toilet, where it should have been all along.
A much more interesting question is who worked so hard to set up DSK. Who would profit from DSK's  resignation as International Monetary Fund Chief?   Where is the replacement for DSK from again?  She is from Chicago.   Hmmmmm... 
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