Sunday, May 15, 2011

Justin Bieber versus Osama bin Laden

Osama bin Laden could not manage a household with 3 wives and you expect me to believe he heads
up Al queada. Was he some sort of idiot savant that could not delegate to three well educated wives
yet ran an international terrorist network.  This is just not believable as the Indians say, "Missy, you can not hold your water with a story like that."

  The man did not even know how to hold the klashin, Osama's horsemanship was almost pedestrian. It is just not believable that he headed Al queada.

 And the odd bit about him being on dialysis that was just a lame excuse for periodic drinking binges.  Osama was just another recovering alcoholic muttering a bunch of brain damaged palaver.  The unflappable drunk conned the fiercely legalistic tee totaling Taliban into carting his portable still and cases of liquor around by telling them that the liquid was needed for the treatment of his 'liv err kidney disease' and he would die without the device contained in that heavy awkward crate. And if he died, who would tell them what the prophet wanted them to do? Get the picture.  And thus inveigled the Taliban and the 'faithful' enabled Osama to wander around the Afghan countryside like some twisted inverted synthesis of Hawkeye, Imam Francis Mulcahy, Klinger  and the rogue colonel from Apocalypse Now just ahead of the arc light.

  Sadly, bin Laden's soft spoken hate speech appealed to the inbred, the slow witted and the malevolent men without toilet paper arround the world. Men more adept at mayhem with weapons rather than words. From his cinder block compound, which appeared to have been designed and built by medieval   goblins,
Osama inspired these rash bedeviled brutes to perform a steady stream of atrocities around the globe.

Supposedly, Mr. Obama had Osama bin Laden killed and post humously water boarded. Why?
 Because he could.  If true,  the world will be a better place without Osama bin Laden. We will not see his like again.

We will see worse.

As for young Justin, no contest.
No need to take out Justin with an elite team of assassins dropped in from cloaked choppers. Besides Justin debriefs himself publicly at every opportunity. Sure he inspires the slow witted and easily influenced youth,  mostly young girls, to flights of innocuous sexual fantasy. No foul, no harm.

Never mind the seal team and the wet towel is to be used only for cosmetic purposes, at the discretion of The Bieber.

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