Saturday, May 28, 2011

Americans tell Charles Krauthammer to Pound Sand

- - - Doing right is even harder than it looks.__- -

Americans tell Charles Krauthammer to pound sand. 'He's a smart man he will know where to pound the sand.' 
These declarations erupted after the Pulitzer prize winning columnist appeared to give his blessing
to so called main stream republican candidates while dismissing conservative populist candidates.
Mr.  Krauthammer a Washington D.C. insider who has been tepid if not down right timid in his analysis
of the abuses of the present administration.  Though highly esteemed by republicans in the last century,
he developed and elaborate no win policy for the western world that has turned out to be largely
diversionary in nature.  "Just another way to drain resources while refusing to aggressively promote
the freedom of human spirit and truly conservative spiritual values and 'can do' attitudes that have made possible the vast wealth of the modern world. "   The once great intellectual force (Krauthammer) lost his nerve somewhere along the way and now seeks to encourage dead on arrival candidates such as Newt
Gingrich.   The American public's chagrin with Dr. Krauthammer stems from his dismissal
of candidates like Hermain Caine, Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachman as simply not qualified for
the job.   Harrumph.  
Our leaders are driving the train that is the country at ever increasing speed toward a chasm with no bridge across it.  To ordinary common sense working people who see this train wreck about to happen,  Mr. Krauthammer appears quiet mad.

"We need leaders that know the difference between a job and a 'productive' job."
Some might add to that the  concept of negative jobs which   destroy and prevent productivity.
Such jobs as are engaged in by operatives like Cass Sunstein and EPA administrators.
Somehow our so called best and brightest in both political parties have lost sight of the the difference.
And  fail to see  that it matters not how fast you can make the government train run if the bridge is out.
Charles Krauthammer, wake up!

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