Friday, July 6, 2012

Eva Longoria Calls for Return to Slavery (Weird)

-Doing right - harder than it sounds o_o!-

Eva Longoria, the sexy and ignorant 7/8 white beauty pretending to be black. Eva claims that she is 1/4 black in her words 'no white woman has pubic hair this coarse'.
First of all I am not in a position to dispute or affirm her claim.  The writer of this blog claims ignorance on this point. But if she wants to claim to be black or white is her business, her choice.  But when she comes out in support of  slavery, I have a problem with her.
To support the party that has encouraged slavery and exploitation of the individual and entire races for over 150 years is asinine.  (Unless you support the evil forces in nature- I just sayin' ...)  Oh that's the Democrat party if you didn't know. It is also the party that has always supported lynching form 'Jim Lynch' of legend to Al Sharpton of the all to real present the Democrat party in America has always facilitated lynching.  So why to people who claim to be black vote for the Democrats?   Is it mind control?  Maybe fear of the Klan?
No it is probably ignorance.  I'm just sayin' ...
 What is your take?

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Barriers to Good Health that Obama will not Address and More Military Stuff

-Doing right - harder than it sounds o_o?-
A quick and sometimes sketchy summary of a 3 hour show, Coast to Coast.
Coast to Coast' s John B. Wells had a fascinating show.  Post Armed Forces Day.
Jonathan Emord gave bone chilling accounts of the federal governments abuse of power.  If you care at all about your health and personal freedom this is a must hear show.
Jonathan Emord
Jonathan Emord recalls multiple cases where patients are denied treatment by Federal agencies.
He tells a heart rending story of a child  being denied lifesaving treatment by the FDA under arbitrary and heartless laws and regulations.
The 250 United States of America Federal agencies have created more than 90%  of the regulations and laws that U.S. citizens must live under. In many cases Directors of these agencies have powers akin to feudal lords.  These directors have the ability to create their own judges and courts and if that fails appoint deputies that create laws by fiat. If that is not enough they can and do make and enforce  law directly.  These laws and regulations can result in onerous and bankrupting fees, fines and seizures on offending organizations or companies and imprisonment ( for decades without parole) for individuals.

It is against the law to tell you that eating oranges and tomatoes will result in reduced risk of cancer.
"We have made everything so complex... that the products we buy and consume are almost entirely controlled by the [Federal] agencies."  Jonathan Emord

 Arrogance of Power:   NDAA section 1021 allows the arrest of a U.S. citizen for supporting terrorism without the right to an attorney or trial for indefinite detention.
Indefinite detention could mean forever in a prison determined by the accusing agency.

"We can't treat the American citizens as if they are guilty until proven innocent...
If you trust government to solve your problems you have just created the greatest problem imaginable."

Emord notes that we do not have an insurrection or a  declared marshal law  and this unbelieveable law disrespecting our human rights.  The Congress passed this tyrannical law and President Barrack Obama (an alleged professor of constitutional law) signed it.

How did this happen?

Many of the members of congress have not read our constitution much less understand it.

All power has been placed in the hands of Bureacratic chieftains.  Excesses exemplified by the GSA will necessarily take place.  The whole system is corrupt because we have relinquished power to the government.

We have reached the breaking point. We have ravaged our economy and shackled our citizens.  Emord related the story of the Sackettes who attempted to build their dream home several blocks from Priest Lake.  After having poured stone to begin construction the Sackettes recieved a letter informing them that they were on a 'regulatory wetland' and were to be fined thirtytwo thousand dollars ($32,000) and another $32,000 for each day the stone remained on their lot.  The EPA then informed them that their was no appeal for the fines.  In other words, the Sackette family was to be financially devastated. The Sackettes were to be financially destroyed without recourse to court or law.
He also touches on United Nations related regulations.
Regulation 1301

Jonathan Emord's book is Restore the Republic.

Also hosted, the  interesting Douglas Dietrich, unconventional military historian, on Armed Forces Day.
Wells makes the point that we do not want our troops used as mercenaries.
...we occupy 150 nations....  (Our heroes can take it ... but why are they so stretched out?)  Why?
Dietrich explores the darkside of some dark ops recalling as far back as World War II.
John Wells  questions if some Dietrich's stuff can be verified.
Dietrich brings up the unacknowledged deaths of American women and men in the Vietnam War.

Wells calls down the 'jacked up' Dietrich on the ugliness of some of his allegations and questions what purpose they serve. Wars and their results are often ugly.
 Dietrich then continues.
Takes a call from a 2 tour medic vet suffering from PTSS.
Dietrich relates his own PTSD.
He then jumps General Petraeus's Army.   Dietrich recounts  the news that the Army has taken over the CIA and segways into our phone bill still paying for the war we have not ended with the Third Reich.
And tumbles to the military using  physical tests that enables the transfer of sailors into the army and puts them on the ground.

On to our over deployed special ops. Why are navy seals deployed to the mountains of  Afghanistan?

Douglas Dietrich goes on -We have something that we have never had before.  Women functionally in the field, on the ground, in combat zones.
Women on ships. Love boats?  We have daycare centers for maybe 100,000 military children.

A caller calls out Dietrich for trashing the military.  The caller, a veteran, is insulted by some of Dietrich's remarks.   Dietrich continues non stop until Wells calls time.
Judge for your self.
Douglas Dietrich

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

-Doing right - harder than it sounds o_o?-

May Day was a bust for protests.
Thank goodness.

Education Loans are a Deal with the Devil

-Doing right - harder than it sounds o_o?-
There is no forgiveness there is no statute of limitations on time.  There are automatic fees and penalties that make it probable to multiply the amount owed and the payment schedules can easily exceed $1000 dollars a month should you miss payments.  And rest assured the DOE/DOJ/IRS will collect if the private collection agencies fail to extort the full loan amount plus penalties from the mark - err- I mean student.

There are nearly no bankruptcy protections for student loans. The Department of Education DOE collects on almost 100% of loans.  The government gets back $122 for every $100 loaned.  This is in addition to what the collection agencies skim off the top. The Department of Education makes more money if you default.  Education wants you to default because it is a quicker payday for the Federal Government when they sell the collection contract for the full amount of the loan plus initial penalty and/or interest. Because their are no consumer protections or statutes of limitations the loans will be collected even if your social security payments have to be garnished.  The laws are such that the so called loan amelioration/default programs lead ultimately to the IRS as the ultimate collector. Should forgiveness of the inflated loans  take place - the inflated amount forgiven (The amount owed will be inflated with fees and penalties which can number in the $10,000's to the $350,000 range)   is counted as income.  Enter the loving kind and reasonable Internal Revenue Service with  powers to take and liquidate  property and garnish income. 

This is not a joke.  People who have defaulted on their loans in their youth and then gone on with their lives have had their property seized and their Social Security payments garnished.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Missing People

-Doing right is even harder than it sounds o_o?-
This is  a  scary Coast to Coast.  George Knapp filling in for George Noory.
Check out the trailer going by  (not the Roadtex) on the freeway. The police cam caught
 this in April 2011. Truck could be

Thursday, April 26, 2012

- - - Doing right is even harder than it looks.
This past year Adam Kokesh, the former U.S. Marine sergeant, appeared at the Jefferson Memorial.
This time more people showed up to dance peacefully at the Memorial associated with civil freedoms.
The Obama regimes please rallied a crowd control unit and closed the Memorial to the dancers.
Kokesh (a combat veteran of the Iraqi war) was brutally slammed to the marble floor last week.  Video shows the veteran of Falujah   violently thrown down and restrained.   Kokesh was arrested for dancing at the Jefferson Memorial. Though he was later released with just a few bruises.

Anyone who saw the video would question that arrest.  At most, the arrest could have been for 'attempted' dancing.  Former sergeant, Kokesh is rhythmically challenged and cannot dance.  Like many  rhythmically challenged adults,  Adam can not keep a beat. 
More of Kokesh's friends showed up the next week. Sadly, not enough to deter the squelching of their assembly.  Fortunately, many of Kokesh's supporters  are more rhythmically endowed than he. These unlikely champions of civil rights could use a little help.

The Obama police quickly mustered and pushed 'We the People' out of the shrine of civil rights.
The Preamble to the Declaration of Independence is said to have been written by Thomas Jefferson.  The immortal
phrase ' We the people...' originates in the preamble to the Declaration of Independence.

Documents of interest:
U.S. Constitution
U.S. Bill of Rights (required before to the U.S. Constitution could be accepted)

Economic History in Less than Five Minutes

-Doing right - harder than it sounds o_o?-

This is Milton Friedman's concise and clear take on recorded  history.
The well meaning Phil Donahue seems puzzled at the Milton Friedman's response to his observations.
Check it out.
-Doing right - harder than it sounds o_o?-

The words of a thoughtful man.

The yearning to be taken care of by the government is most dangerous. This pursuit of the collective whether Marxist, Communist, Progressive, Capitalist or by any other name  in execution is suspect at best.
On the way to collective material nirvana the populous would constantly run the risk of being enslaved and killed by monolithic governments.
The idea that we can design and 'build' a human utopia is unbridled hubris.
Should the construction of utopia succeed it would only provide a nicer place from which we could go to hell. Or to be ultimately consumed by government.  Governments are necessary to groups because so much more can be accomplished with a good and stable government than without one. That being said - remember that Government is like fire, a useful servant but a fearful master.  Like fire governments must be carefully handled and always  with the means to curb them in hand. 

Big governments are like alligators.
If you are confined in a pond filled with large alligators, it does not matter how many others you feed to the alligators.  Rest assured that you will also be eaten.  Feeding others to the alligators only delays your appearance on the menu.
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