Saturday, June 18, 2011

Weiner a Creepy Jerk but Huma's Mindless Smile is More Creepy - Democrats

- - - Doing right is even harder than it looks o_o?

OK.  I said I wasn't going to comment on the pathological liar from New York.  I'm sorry
I must say one more thing.  His wife's toothy, almost Kennedyesque smile next to the seven time
circle jerk champion creeps me out more than the Weiner beside her.  What kind of woman stands with a man like that?
If  Huma is devout, which does not seem plausible considering her associates, she has got to be dumbest
brunette in the room.   Every time.

But what really takes the cake is the New York electorate.   How dumb are you guys to vote for this jerk again, again, again and still again.  How shallow selfish and dumb can these people be?  I thought of New Yorkers as savvy knowing people quick wits.  But that had to be an alternate universe.  Some one changed the timeline and New York has gone bizzarro.  Like the Bizzarro world that superman discovered where people had square wheels on their cars and even the bizzarro superman and Lois Lane were ugly. Weiner seems like  an anemic version of Blogo the former governor of Illinois who said," I promise  never, never, ever to tell a lie."  "Try to sell a U.S. senate seat for cash, yes."  But never ever ever tell a lie.  Weiner competes well with Blogo on the truth meter. Even inventing new words like  'prack' to explain his stupidity.  And holding a 45 minute press conference to explain how he was a child of the middle class
and everyone should identify with him.  Stupid and disingenuous as Weiner is, he still makes out like a bandit with a great severance package.  At the public's expense of course.  

Weiner takes his seat with a pantheon of  Democrat - dare I say it?- demagogues.  Most of which did not have to resign despite
even greater sins and errors even felonies.   Can you say Bill Clinton, Charlie Rangel, Adam Clayton Powell, Maxine Waters, and the last 5 governors of Illinois.  Democrats are fated to fill offices with pathological liars, stupids, degenerates, the mentally defective or ordinary crooks.  Just to make it clear the Republican party has had a few losers and a lot of amoral jerks as well.  But not even close
to the plethora of  scoundrels the Democrat party has produced.

If we keep voting Democrats and RINO's into office this story will not have a happy ending.

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