Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The Chinese Have Escaped the Dufus Economics of Marx and Mao : Colonial China?

-Doing right is even harder than it sounds o_o?-

The  communist Chinese have abandoned the epic fail of  Marxist and Maoist economics. 
Various nation states around the world have attempted to push the flawed template of
Marxist theory onto their people for a hundred years.   They have used every form of
coercion know to humanity to make Marxist theory work.  Despite epic sacrifice and effort, Marxist economics  performed with  the efficiency of  square wheels, blunt knives and lead balloons.
 Even after a generations of half the worlds workers giving all they could not make Marxist theories work. Despite vast unrestrained expenditures of people and resources productivity could not be  achieved. Even with the personal attention of the supreme despots like Stalin and Mao the Marxist State could not be made to work.  A hundred million human beings were sacrificed per Communist theology to the scientific god, the State.  The economics still refused to  work.   The communist tried a little half bred capitalism and productivity exploded.  Even shackled under the constraints of a totalitarian state capitalism worked.  Capitalism exploded Marxist economic theory and produced wealth beyond communist committee's wildest dreams.

The Chinese have a problem they have never had in modern times.  They have more wealth than they
can easily use in China.  What will they do with all this wealth?  Build an empire.  Chinese agents and emissaries have already bought huge parts of Africa and South America at bargain basement prices.
And they still have more money than they need.  The U.S. owes the Chinese a lot of money.  The solution is easy, China will  Colonize the U.S.  The process has begun with the purchase of Chinese
Industrial zones near major U.S. cities.  The first of many 50 square mile Chinese enclaves has begun
construction outside of Boise, Idaho.  Woot!   China is colonizing the U.S. in much the same manner
as Europeans colonized China 200 years ago.   The difference is that China has the will and the manpower to displace the natives.

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