Sunday, June 12, 2011

Mitt Romney Is a No Show in the Race unless He Dumps His Baggage

- - - Doing right is even harder than it looks o_o?

Mitt Romney though not as ill informed and disingenuous as Huckabee will be a 'no show' in the primary horse race.
Romney will be fail unless he divests himself of his social baggage and junk science.
While touted highly in polls everyone knows that Romney is tainted by his past.  And not his religion as
Newsweek would have you think.  His politics of compromise and reaching across the aisle is passe'.
It is common knowledge that Democrats do not want to be touched by any Republican.
And especially a Mormon Republican like Romney is to be avoided by all Democrats.
The polls are simply fudged.  Romney has no such lead among primary voters.

In the general election poll with no Democrat running yes he has that lead.
And that is where the 'pollsters' fudged their numbers.  By polling a sample tainted with significant numbers of
Democrats and Independent voters Romney rolls out with a lead.  But in the real deal of primary politics
he will not place in most states.   He was burdened with his  failed health care in Massachusetts
Then he steps in front of a microphone and announces to the world he is a believer not in Mormonism.
Conservative Americans could have accepted, even applauded his religious faith.
But Romney advised by some evil angel announces his faith in junk science.
And not just any junk science but the  scam science of  'man made global warming'.   Give it
up Mitt.  You don't need Tina Fey and the combined Network Media to throw you back in the pack.  You just did
it all by your lonesome self. by announcing your belief in the Scam Science of  'man made global warming'.
And they said Obama is ignorant. Palin looks too good, her voice is too high, and Trump was just a showman with a dirty mouth.

Mitt,  despite all the credentials and alleged smarts,  took himself out of the race. And doesn't even  know it.
Or maybe he should take his wife on a two week cruise.
Maybe you can get a gig on Trump's show.   Maybe he can tell you how to keep an audience in play.


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