Thursday, June 30, 2011

Obama Vows to Throw Sad Eyed Children Under the Bus

-Doing right is even harder than it sounds o_o?-

Mr. Obama has hurriedly called his advisers together in secret meeting to thwart the U.S. House of Representatives.  The House is attempting to save the U.S. economy from collapse.  Mr. Obama's who
passionately holds Luddite and obsolete Marxist beliefs continues his war on the U.S. economy.
The president who by his own accounts does not grasp fundamental fiscal concepts is determined to jaw bone  the House into raising the debt limit. Mr. Obama hopes to force the House into raising the debt limit by threatening to throw the nation's most vulnerable citizens under the bus.  Despite the fact that Social Security checks will continue to go out when the limit is reached, Obama continues to threaten seniors.
Mr. Obama projects an air of confidence having been assured that 19 out of 20 blacks will support him regardless of what he does.  (There is a small but growin number of thinking blacks that have concluded that Obama's policies will harm blacks more than any other group.)  Obama hopes to generate runaway inflation and economic collapse and the accompanying unrest.   He feels that this will enhance his world standing as the U.S. collapses.  His special team of sycophants and handlers directed by George Soros have been in breakout sessions all week to determine how best to bully the weak House and threaten useful fools into following Obama's directions.   Mr. Obama is committed to halting vital services first in order to endanger poorer Americans.  This will give his vast propaganda machine material to use against the U.S. House of Representatives.  He feels that with just a few highly publicized incidents he can panic the House into raising the debt limit and resuming the collapse of the economy.  Sadly, no responsible parties agree with his approach. Even the Communist Chinese have cautioned against increasing the debt due to the global chaos which would surely ensue.   The Chinese Leadership long ago concluded that Obama and most of his advisers are quiet mad and Mr. Obama himself is not very bright.  Mr. Hu, the Chinese leader favors a more orderly expansion of China's influence.  Chinese leaders have privately joked that
it is appropriate that Obama is the leader of the U.S. Democrat party. ' Obama is biggest  donkey.'  The symbol for the Democrat party is a wild donkey.  Donkey's are not know for being agreeable or wise.  It is a sad day when the Chinese Communist are trying to keep the U.S. president from wrecking his own economy too quickly.  Chinese observers note that there are many areas of government waste that could be addressed before citizens are harmed. This observation is remarkable coming from the Chinese.  China's regime is not known for its compassion.
Obama is looking around frantically now for sad-eyed children to throw under his bus. Sad.

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