Thursday, June 30, 2011

"Obama Does not Want a Deal" on Scarborough (did not get bleeped)

-Doing right is even harder than it sounds o_o?-
Mark Halperin said what the world is thinking over the air.
The Entire staff apologized for Mark saying the truth about Obama.
Mark stated what everyone knows, 'The President was a d**k... he does not want a deal'
Mark might have been over the line but he had the guts to say what kind of man is in the oval office.
Some speculated that Dick is the proper translation for Obama's first name.
So the President has changed his name again. No big deal.

Obama is working hard to get his class-warfare card to play.
No one even the slowest people in his base is buying it.
Obama has made many many disastrous decisions for his base.
Democrat Liberals have watched all their pet policies demonstrably proven wrong.
Obama has been a disaster for the stupid and the ignorant.
Obama has proved that he is clinically insanely stupid.
His Democrat base did not realize that Obama was incompetent to the extreme.
(The man does not even know how old his children are. He only has two. Please.)
Obama is a failed Narcissus.  Obama still loves his manufactured image.  He does not yet realize that he is expected to perform.  Obama and his followers believed that all that they wanted would be provided just by his presidency.   Now it is  revealed that he is the architect of the worst disaster ever to hit the U.S.  But he still is deeply in love with himself and does not know that he can't even throw a ball 90 feet. Obama is like a young child that does not realize how slow and ignorant he is. But Obama is far from cute.  The Democrats put this child at the helm of the ship and he is steering straight for the rocks.  Whyis he steering for the rocks?  I guess because the breakers look sparkly.  Who can say what is in the mind of a child? I do know our man at the helm is full of  doo and doo and we are in deep doo doo.
Not to worry, we will all be taking a bath soon.

Michelle Obama Continues Her Cheeseburger and Fries Tour of Starving Africa

-Doing right is even harder than it sounds o_o?-

Michelle shared with African audiences her eating compulsions.   The first lady continues to promote the eating of straw and grass for people around the world while admitting that she eats fried potatoes compulsively.  Mrs. Obama who claims to have introduced homosexuality to her daughter years ago continues on a mocking tour of starving Africa.  Many of Africa's leaders have refused to meet with
the President's wife on the grounds that they are too busy.  The unphased Michelle Obama continues on her family jaunt complete with her mother of calorie starved African countries.  Mrs. Obama is widely viewed in Africa as even richer and crazier than her husband who has given the Communist Chinese  freedom to colonize Africa. Michelle Obama, an airhead Marxist is oblivious to Africa's many violent conflicts.  Africa is home to over 80% of the worlds armed conflicts.  In addition, the obsolete socialist models adopted by most of Africa's states has resulted in widespread starvation as tribes in
power even scores with their traditional enemies.  
To this chaos the presidents wife has brought the craziness of her cheeseburgers and fries tour.
Michelle is busy demonstrating to the world that she is even more ignorant and foolish than her husband.

Obama Vows to Throw Sad Eyed Children Under the Bus

-Doing right is even harder than it sounds o_o?-

Mr. Obama has hurriedly called his advisers together in secret meeting to thwart the U.S. House of Representatives.  The House is attempting to save the U.S. economy from collapse.  Mr. Obama's who
passionately holds Luddite and obsolete Marxist beliefs continues his war on the U.S. economy.
The president who by his own accounts does not grasp fundamental fiscal concepts is determined to jaw bone  the House into raising the debt limit. Mr. Obama hopes to force the House into raising the debt limit by threatening to throw the nation's most vulnerable citizens under the bus.  Despite the fact that Social Security checks will continue to go out when the limit is reached, Obama continues to threaten seniors.
Mr. Obama projects an air of confidence having been assured that 19 out of 20 blacks will support him regardless of what he does.  (There is a small but growin number of thinking blacks that have concluded that Obama's policies will harm blacks more than any other group.)  Obama hopes to generate runaway inflation and economic collapse and the accompanying unrest.   He feels that this will enhance his world standing as the U.S. collapses.  His special team of sycophants and handlers directed by George Soros have been in breakout sessions all week to determine how best to bully the weak House and threaten useful fools into following Obama's directions.   Mr. Obama is committed to halting vital services first in order to endanger poorer Americans.  This will give his vast propaganda machine material to use against the U.S. House of Representatives.  He feels that with just a few highly publicized incidents he can panic the House into raising the debt limit and resuming the collapse of the economy.  Sadly, no responsible parties agree with his approach. Even the Communist Chinese have cautioned against increasing the debt due to the global chaos which would surely ensue.   The Chinese Leadership long ago concluded that Obama and most of his advisers are quiet mad and Mr. Obama himself is not very bright.  Mr. Hu, the Chinese leader favors a more orderly expansion of China's influence.  Chinese leaders have privately joked that
it is appropriate that Obama is the leader of the U.S. Democrat party. ' Obama is biggest  donkey.'  The symbol for the Democrat party is a wild donkey.  Donkey's are not know for being agreeable or wise.  It is a sad day when the Chinese Communist are trying to keep the U.S. president from wrecking his own economy too quickly.  Chinese observers note that there are many areas of government waste that could be addressed before citizens are harmed. This observation is remarkable coming from the Chinese.  China's regime is not known for its compassion.
Obama is looking around frantically now for sad-eyed children to throw under his bus. Sad.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

** Some Geeky Links**

-Doing right is even harder than it sounds o_o?-

Sorry no sex. No horror. No Creepy. No Politics.  Just good geek fun. Meet Vi Hart.
I stumbled on these neat vids.  - Geeky Visual Math -  Some of you may enjoy these vids.
I had to Hart this site.
 Yeah I loved Geek of the Day. I don't think I sprained

Contempt of Cop on Coast to Coast

-Doing right is even harder than it sounds o_o?-

No one should make a recording of the police should be made illegal say police unions.

Video taping should not be a crime in itself.  As long as you are not interfering, threatening or impeding an officer say citizen groups.  It appears that some people can be arrested just for their attitude or perceived attitude.  Some States have laws that say.  'You may never video an officer doing their duty.'
New York is not supposed to be one of the above states.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Greg Sargent says That Democrats Will Blame Republicans for the Bad Economy

-Doing right is even harder than it sounds o_o?-

Greg Sargent, a blogger, said that Dems will accuse Repubs of sabotaging the economy.
Note I took some liberty in shortening Greg's convoluted prose.

I can generate my own overly descriptive, exaggerated prose with much more richness and originality than Greg. (Sorry Greg. Its a fact.)
See the example following:

Team Serial Killers: A Couple of Cousins and a Married Couple

-Doing right is even harder than it sounds o_o?-
Karla and Paul a nice looking couple. They share a horrific passion.

Serial killers or serial murderers can come in teams.  There is no one profile for serial killers.  Serial Killers can be of any race, creed, color, sexual orientation, social level, educational level and so on.  In other words they can be almost anyone.  They are people like everyone else they just seem to murder people just like you over and over again. 

Obama's I.Q. 106 to 116 Americans Doubt He Is Above Average Intellect - Is He Smart?

-Doing right is even harder than it sounds o_o?-

Obama is the first black president.  Obama looks alright.  He sounds good.
But he is not that smart. Obama in not  highly knowledgeable.  
He knows liberal catch phrases. He knows liberal code words. 
Obama makes an amazing number of gaffes.
He tells a crowd in Vienna that his Austrian is not very good.

Team of Killers Operating Around I-80 Near Nevada Reported on Coast to Coast

-Doing right is even harder than it sounds o_o?-
This is  a  scary Coast to Coast.  George Knapp filling in for George Noory.
Check out the trailer going by below (not the Roadtex) on the freeway. The police cam caught
 this in April 2011. Truck could be

Solution to Moderating Climate Change - The Climate Has Always Changed.

-Doing right is even harder than it sounds o_o?-
Climate was changing before we got here. Climate continued to change after we arrived.  Climate changed before we could say 'climate'.   Climate will change as long as we are here.  And the Climate  will probably continue changing long after we are gone.

Premise one: Just because a donkey can speak doesn't  mean you should listen.
Premise two:Just because a donkey can speak glibly does not make it informed or wise. 
Premise three: Donkeys are not known for their critical or analytical thinking skills.
Premise four: Donkeys are foolish.

Facts: Nearly half of all adult donkeys are jack*sses. (these can be very dangerous)
The remaining adult donkeys are just *sses. (these can be wasteful and dangerous at times)
The little  donkeys are  young *sses. (young *sses are even more foolish than the adult *sses)

Conclusion: Even if you can hear the donkey speak, don't listen. (unless your name is Balaam)
Remove all donkeys from positions of power. Do not put the donkey and then attempt to pull said cart.
The donkey doesn't appreciate the ride and you will not get far.
If you absolutely have to have a donkey, hitch it to a cart. (Do not expect to move the cart quickly)

Solution to ameliorating the effects of climate change.
Kill the dang goats.
Discontinue coal burning cars.
Reduce the non productive jobs in the economy
Don't be a donkey.
Ground Al Gore.
 Hitch Al to a cart.
 Do the same with Mitt Romney.

Chinese Colonization of Africa is Speeding Up

-Doing right is even harder than it sounds o_o?-

Black Leaders from Senegal to South Africa to Zimbabwe to the Sudan continue to turn ownership of
natural resources over to Chinese Communist.   In nearly all cases the management and skilled jobs are reserved for Chinese Nationals.   (The Chinese overseers have license to beat and mistreat black workers.)

Japan's 3 Reactors are In Slow Meltdown: Japanese Execs Caught With Pants Down - In a Manner of Speaking

-Doing right is even harder than it sounds o_o?-

While Japanese leaders continue to wag their butts at the Japanese people and desecrate pictures of the emperor the meltdown continues.  Michio Kaku said it and I tend to believe him.
The utility responsible for the reactors has announced its intentions to save concrete that could be used to help contain the contamination and

Friday, June 24, 2011

Acting Like Wiener Durban and Schumer Promote the Big Lie

-Doing right is even harder than it sounds o_o?-

Using Anthony Weiner tactics Richard Durban and Charles Schumer accuse others of what they have done.  Two of the biggest culprits responsible for the present financial woes seek to blame others.

Time Magazine Says the Constitution Cannot be Right Because the Writers Had Not Seen Lady Gaga

-Doing right is even harder than it sounds o_o?-

Time Magazine famous for praising Margaret Sanger's work, Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin has decreed that the Consitution of the U.S. is not relevant.  Oh yeah they also made fun of Goddard's liquid fueled staged rockets.  Goddard claimed that by using stages, a rocket and payload could escape the earth's

Stairs foil Japan's Robot - Honeywell Drone Engine Fails too.

-Doing right is even harder than it sounds o_o?-  

Japan's much touted robotics program turns out to be more a product of Anime and Manga legend that reality.
Following the massive earthquake and disastrous tsunami Japan's citizens stoically went about the process of recovery.   The Japanese people are among the most honorable in the world.  Unfortunately, they are sometimes poorly led.   Japan's on site managers decided (after months) that it would be better to use robots rather than humans

Courtney Stodden Is Sixteen and Her Hubby is Doug Hutchinson 51

-Doing right is even harder than it sounds o_o?-

Doug Hutchinson an out of work actor who appeared on the series Lost has married Courtney Stodden.
Stodden is an aspiring singer.   Maybe she wants to follow in the footsteps of Tanya Tucker and whats her name- you know the coal miner's daughter, Chrystal's sister - you know Sissy Spacek played her,  Loretta Lynn.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Savage Banned in the U.K.: U.K. Rules Jewish Radio Host is Haraam

-Doing right is even harder than it sounds o_o?-
Savage Media Economists Are Inbred Simpletons.  Bernanke is a Fool.
Never known for his diplomatic presentation.  Savage calls it the way he sees it.

Rush, Hannity, Rusty, Rush and Glenn  Do not realize we have entered GD II.
Savage is talking about the movie Too Big to Fail.   Duhhh.

We are in it now.    We know the uptick rule should not have been eliminated.
Brooksley Born saw the problem and Bill Clinton took no action.
Credit default swaps were traded between Banks.

Glenn Beck Covered That and I Added This

-Doing right is even harder than it sounds o_o?-
Some where an agnostic dyslexic insomniac lies awake at night wondering if there really is a dog.

An atheist revival would it be a renihil.

In other news Media mavens struggle to berate Rick Perry who has created half the new jobs in the U.S. over the last few years. They finally settle on his Texas accent.  That accent makes him unelectable.
Just like Sarah Palin's Minnesota accent. 

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Michael Savage Comments

-Doing right is even harder than it sounds o_o?-

Michael Savage says that the entire culture has degenerated across every ethnic group.  The degradation has manifested itself in society, the arts, science, politics, and every form of human endeavor. 
This entropy

China Has begun Debt Collection on the U.S. 50 Sq. Miles at a Time

-Doing right is even harder than it sounds o_o?-

The Chinese has begun foreclosure on the U.S.
Nations must pay their debts.  And the U.S. is no exception.  First few square miles are being developed in Idaho.  The enclave will house Chinese workers. The Chinese will manufacture goods for the U.S. market.  The enclave will be self contained.
Oddly enough there are not many jobs for U.S. citizens thanks to the non existent negotiations.  China said what they required and the administration gave it to them.

Let Me Get it Straight

-Doing right is even harder than it sounds o_o?-

The economy is experiencing the highest unemployment in  U.S. history.
We have moved from 2 unwinable wars to 5 unwinable wars.
Unions are threatening civil war.  Congressmen are showing their weenies on twitter.
Mormons are being mocked and ridiculed on Broadway.

Chinese Colonization of the U.S. Has Begun in Boise Idaho

-Doing right is even harder than it sounds o_o?-

The war is over and the U.S. lost.  Without fanfare Sinomach  took possession of the first
Chinese Colony in the continental U.S.  The enclave will ultimately include 50 square miles of self contained and governed Communist Chinese territory on U.S. soil.  The Sinomach Corporation installation is the first of many.
Planned by the Communist Chinese and approved by the U.S. Federal Government and finally sanctioned by the U.N. as an after thought the deal is done.  The plan is to to have a self contained Communist Chinese enclave (think of it as a brother city)

The Chinese Communist Party will be 90 Years Old July 1

-Doing right is even harder than it sounds o_1o?-

The Chinese Communist Party will be 90 Years Old July 1
Hot money is flowing into China.  But Chinese dissent may be growing.   The Party has kept a lid on dissent  by repetition and measured police work but the people are going restless. On June 12 Schuan migrant workers in Zengcheng rioted in southern China.  People have been running home town heroes instead of the Communist party creatures for local positions.  Propaganda chief Li Changchun ordered the media

Where is Obama's Boldness- Unprecedented Slack in the Labor Market

-Doing right is even harder than it sounds o_o?-
Thomas L. Friedman the smartest man in the world.
Is Friedman paid like most of the scientist that are advocating global warming.
Thomas L. Friedman, the supposed intellectual who is not as smart as a fifth grader.
The L.  stands for Loopy.  It is amazing that the Network can not find someone at minimum wage to do his job.  If Friedman is smart then Charlie Rose  is the prophylactic of Baghdad.

The Book of Peace was brought by Prophets to the Iroquois

-Doing right is even harder than it sounds o_o?-
The Devil Colony a Sigma Force novel and LDS inspired novel evolved from an argument between
two LDS believers.

The Iroquois had a constitution  before the founding of the 13 colonies in America.
No other form of government like the Iroquois existed in the New World.  According to Iroquois legend
two prophets appeared before their chiefs and brought the Book of Peace.

Al Gore calls for Enforced Birth Control For Stupid Girls and Women

-Doing right is even harder than it sounds o_o?-

Mr. Gore calls for enforced birth control for stupid girls and women.

Just a Thought: Prepare or Dispair... Your Call.

-Doing right is even harder than it sounds o_o?-
This is just a rough time table for the next 18 months.
Inflation continues.
Food and fuel prices creep up and then spike.
Private Food production in the U.S. and Europe is restricted.
U.S. dollar takes a nose dive.  The only reason the Stock Markets appear to be going up is that
the value of the dollar is going down.  the Markets are in fact drifting backwards as production continues its decline due to energy prices.
Supply lines are disrupted.

The Caliphate Failed in 1924

-Doing right is even harder than it sounds o_o?-
Then in 1950 nationalism arrose. Secularism was imposed on the Islamic world.
Followed was six decades of expelling secular emperialist from the lands of the Caliphate.
1960's terrorism began. Secularist were flipped in Iran and Egypt and then Libya.
All the worlds radicals, socialist and islamist unite to create a new world order.
Caliphate here we come.

Critical Thinking or How Many Pod People Do You Know

-Doing right is even harder than it sounds o_o?-
What is critical thinking.  Can you think,  can you think critically. Can you recognize your innate bias?
Of course you can.  You can read you can use a computer and play video games of course you have critical thinking skills. You may not.  You like most of your mates  probably do not not have a high level of critical thinking skills.    And playing football doesn't make you a chef.

Nora Gedgaudas: Primal Body Primal Mind - Cholesterol Is Vital to Health

-Doing right is even harder than it sounds o_o?-

A few rough observations on
Nora Gedgaudas, nutritionist -
both parents were Lithuanian.

The food pyramid is just wrong.  The four food lobbies determine the  four food groups.  No group of people has ever eaten a diet in accordance with the government food guidelines.    The government aggravates diabetes and heart disease with 11 servings of grain a day.   This is best observed on the Native Peoples

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The Chinese Have Escaped the Dufus Economics of Marx and Mao : Colonial China?

-Doing right is even harder than it sounds o_o?-

The  communist Chinese have abandoned the epic fail of  Marxist and Maoist economics. 
Various nation states around the world have attempted to push the flawed template of
Marxist theory onto their people for a hundred years.   They have used every form of
coercion know to humanity to make Marxist theory work.  Despite epic sacrifice and effort, Marxist economics  performed with  the efficiency of  square wheels, blunt knives and lead balloons.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Obama Reaches 40% Unemployment of Black Youth

-Doing right is even harder than it sounds o_o?-

Obama has hurt the entire nation. But he has hurt black and ethnic youth the most. Hispanic youth are suffering from 30% unemployment. Black youth have reached 40% unemployment.   Obama has punished blacks with unemployment and now
inflation to further reduce the standard of living among ethnic groups.  Yet ehnic groups continue to support him by a vast majority.
It is as if huge swaths of the American are entralled to the Democrat machine.

Anthony Weiner is Gollum in a Suit: He Needs to Fall in the Fire Now

-Doing right is even harder than it sounds o_o?-

No one mentioned the similarity of Weiner and Gollum throughout this sordid episode. Maybe he was the model for the Lord of the Rings character. I can almost hear Weiner as Smeogol degenerated into Gollum whispering 'myy preciousss'. And then 'it burrnnsss usss', as the elven cord falls around him.. Yep Weiner is really Gollum in a suit- a towel - briefs - whatever... What if Gollum had a cell phone and a twitter account?

Washington Post Spearheads Slander of Glenn Beck: Post loses all Credibility

-Doing right is even harder than it sounds o_o?-
The Washington Post has launched into a series of attacks on the talk show host, Glenn Beck.   The Post accuses Beck of being an anti semite.  That might work except for the hundreds of hours of air time that Beck has aired in support of Israel.  Beck has even sustained
death threats for his support of  Israel.  He is almost universally acknowledged as being a friend to Jews  (except at the Post).
The current prime minister

Sunday, June 19, 2011

What Children and Fathers Should Know

-Doing right is even harder than it sounds o_o?-
Human failings have not changed since Genesis.
Do right
Sharp things deserve constant respect. (This includes sharp minds.)
Respect saves a lot of sorry.

Love is more than a feeling (If it is not more than a feeling it is not love.)
Try again
Stay out of the road unless you can keep  up with the traffic.
Don't touch hot things.
You can't help your children if you disable yourself.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

The Author From H*ll Louis Grizzard versus Heavy Weight Writers.

-Doing right is even harder than it looks o_o?-
Louis Grizzard wrote several humorous books with humorous titles.
Shoot Low Boys They're Riding Shetland Ponies   was one.

Weiner a Creepy Jerk but Huma's Mindless Smile is More Creepy - Democrats

- - - Doing right is even harder than it looks o_o?

OK.  I said I wasn't going to comment on the pathological liar from New York.  I'm sorry
I must say one more thing.  His wife's toothy, almost Kennedyesque smile next to the seven time
circle jerk champion creeps me out more than the Weiner beside her.  What kind of woman stands with a man like that?
If  Huma is devout, which does not seem plausible considering her associates, she has got to be dumbest
brunette in the room.   Every time.

Obama Takes a Page From Weiner's Playbook

- - - Doing right is even harder than it looks o_o?

Obama announces that he may have another child. In an effort to soften his image as a malicious screw up who is likely to throw the world into war Mr. Obama will encourage Michelle Obama to become pregnant.  Just like Huma, Anthony Weiner's wife.
He also shared with confidants that he may have to start more wars to weaken the U.S.

Bureaucrats squelch the American Dream 'For the Children'

- - - Doing right is even harder than it looks o_o?
Montgomery County, Maryland
The government has run riot..  A  Montgomery county  bureaucrat strolling around the U.S. Open golf tournament found some kids running a lemonade stand.  Then using FDA guidelines   the Bureaucrat  issued the children a $500 fine.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Smartest Man in the World

- - - Doing right is even harder than it looks o_o?

Above the roar of the engine and the prop wash an explosion shook the small plane.
The old man didn't react too much. He just reached out and put his arm around the wide eyed
twelve year old next to him. It seemed like an eternity since the world had been forever changed by the massive flash and the shock wave that flipped the planes on the small airfield.

Diversity and Dialoque Do Not Mean a Thing if You Do Not Have a Job

- - - Doing right is even harder than it looks o_o?

I was listening to  Representative Howey, tell me that the corporation could not be endorsed by the State unless
they engaged in dialogue and displayed higher diversity.   The corporation in question was intent on building
a 200 million dollar installation and creating  over 2000 jobs in less than 18 months.

AFL-CIO Calls For War Nazi Tactics to be Used by Unions

- - - Doing right is even harder than it looks o_o?

In New Jersey Communications Union members, some of the most affluent workers in the world were told to seek even more money and power.  Chris Shelton, Trumke's lieutenant threatened to start a world war.   Chris Shelton compared New Jersey's governor to Adolf Hitler who started World War II and killed many millions of civilian innocents in concentration and death camps.
To date New Jersey's Governor has killed no one.   Mr. Shelton and the unionist are in fact the ones acting like Nazi bullies in this scenario.

Mr. Obama has very odd economic beliefs

- - - Doing right is even harder than it looks o_o?

Mr. Obama has very odd economic beliefs..

His administration has touted a return to the a time when the shovel and the train dominated the world.
Mr. Obama reaffirmed his promise to bring even greater unemployment to Puerto Rico and the mainland U.S.

Mr. Obama has already managed to increase the price of food and fuel substantially. He promised to double the price

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Check This Out: U.S. President Calls for an end to Automation and Expanded Non Productive Jobs

Check This Out: U.S. President Calls for an end to Automation and Expanded Non Productive Jobs

---Doing right is even harder than it looks o_o?

U.S. President Calls for an end to Automation and Expanded Non Productive Jobs

- - - Doing right is even harder than it looks o_o?

Mr. Obama has   very odd economic beliefs..
His administration has touted a return to the a time when the shovel and the train dominated the world.
Mr. Obama reaffirmed his promise to bring even greater unemployment to Puerto Rico and the mainland U.S.
Mr. Obama has already managed to increase the price of food and fuel substantially.  He promised to double the price
of food for the people every where.  This he feels will enable the special magic he believes in to take effect.
No one seems to know what this magic will do but it will include Hope and Change.
Many adults hope things don't change more.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Obama Administration's ATF Managers Smuggle Guns into Mexico

- - - Doing right is even harder than it looks o_o?

Hearings start tomorrow. Hearings into the gross misconduct of the ATF.
Their gun running activities are coming under congressional scrutiny.
Operation Gun Runner even has a manual.

Nearly a Trillion Dollars Dissappears Down Obama's Rat Hole

- - - Doing right is even harder than it looks o_o?
The Obama admistration is having trouble explaining what happened to huge sums
of money during the Obama regime.  The money has turned up missing

Sarah Palin,She Looks Good, Shoots a Gun and Speaks the Truth. What Can You Do?

- - - Doing right is even harder than it looks o_o?

Women dislike Sarah Palin
Because she is too good and too real.  
She looks better than most women.

She can hunt and shoot better than most men.
She can rock climb better than most kids.

Mitt Romney Is a No Show in the Race unless He Dumps His Baggage

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Mitt Romney though not as ill informed and disingenuous as Huckabee will be a 'no show' in the primary horse race.
Romney will be fail unless he divests himself of his social baggage and junk science.
While touted highly in polls everyone knows that Romney is tainted by his past.  And not his religion as
Newsweek would have you think.  His politics of compromise and reaching across the aisle is passe'.
It is common knowledge that Democrats do not want to be touched by any Republican.
And especially a Mormon Republican like Romney is to be avoided by all Democrats.
The polls are simply fudged.  Romney has no such lead among primary voters.

Muslim Brotherhood says Shariah Law Is Civil Law

- - - Doing right is even harder than it looks o_o?

Essam El Eriam, the spokesman for the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood, spoke to Fareed Zakaria.  Fareed is thought to think to highly of himself in the middle east.  Zakaria who claims that he  is the advisor to Obama. Fareed also says that he gives wise direction and advice to Barraq Obama.

 While young men joked in the back ground about Obama's name.  Fareed began  the interview with El Eriam  as a young man joked  "Who can wisely advise a mule?"   A youth said. "Who would name a child Barraq?"   Another joked.  "It must be a child with its head in the clouds."  "Careful Fareed. Know what  drops on you from Barraq's  behind."  "You can not go to prayer with that stuff on you, Fareed."  The young men kept joking. The joke escapes most westerners.

Have We Entered the Beginning of World War III

- - - Doing right is even harder than it looks o_o?

Obama campaigned on getting the U.S. out of Iraq and Afghanistan.
Obama continues the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. 
Continuing incursions and strikes into Pakistan.
Obama has boots on the ground in Libya.
He is now waging war in Yemen.

Just a side note The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt changed its name.
Allegedly the party has 'peace' in its name or is it submission.
Don't know. What is the new name?

International Marine Organization Allows Armed Guards on Merchant Ships

- - - Doing right is even harder than it looks o_o?

The International Maritime Organization (IMO) has issued guidelines for armed guards aboard merchant ships
near  Somali waters.This is considered a a limited concession to the use of private force to hinder piracy on the high seas.

Some IMO members are thought to have been more than negligent in their belated concession to the world's merchant fleets.
The IMO's de facto support of piracy has puzzled  people around the world.  But it is no puzzle
 to those in the know.

Debbie (Blabber Mouth) Wassermanshultz Tells Weiner to Leave the Grill Resign Now

- - - Doing right is even harder than it looks o_o?
Rep. Debbie Wassermanshultz newly elected as the voice of  the Democrat Party
told little Anthony Weiner to resign. Weiner is newly married to Huma, Hillary Clinton's paid room mate.
It is reported that Huma,

Most Gang Members Live With Mama and Now Gangsters Shoot Each Other In the Butt

- - - Doing right is even harder than it looks o_o?
Yeah most of those gang members live with their mamas.  Yep your neighborhood drug dealer lives with mama and probably works for a fast food outlet.
Chicago (home of some of the strongest gun laws in the world)  has a giant sized problem with gun deaths. Chicago despite its reputation
as a gun free city has a gun problem.  Law abiding citizens are virtually forbidden to have guns in the city.  But gang members and drug dealers aren't paying attention to gun laws or any other laws.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

China's Aircraft Carriers and Long Term Plans

- - - Doing right is even harder than it looks o_o?

"The U.S. leaders of this generation will be recorded as some of the most ignorant and imprudent in all history."
China begins to develop its aircraft carrier program in earnest.
With a 'eight year' plain to have 5 aircraft carriers fully operational on or befor the year 2020.
China after buying just about every aircraft carrier that has come on the market, has started work.

Reckless Endangerment:... Ambition Greed and Corruption

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Reckless Endangerment: Or how Out Sized Ambition, Greed and Corruption Led to Economic Armageddon
by Gretchen Morgenson and Joshua Rosner.
 from Times Books Henry Holt and Company, LLC copyright 2011

A remarkable book, an epic tale of epic tails and epic fails with unlikely origins.  Insiders tell what really happened to us.

Friday, June 10, 2011

18 Signs That the U.S. is Approaching Meltdown

- - - Doing right is even harder than it looks o_o?

1  Mobs of youth are swarming the cities. Chicago's Magnificent Mile has been renamed the 'Mug Mile'.
2. The U.S. Federal government  has begun using  S.W.A.T.   teams to collect student loans.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Sarah Palin Is Right Paul Revere Agrees and The Press Stinks

- - - Doing right is even harder than it looks o_o?

Sarah Palin has beaten the media at there own game once again. This time Palin did a rope-a-dope on the

When Sarah Palin left Paul Revere's House the press pounced on her and asked her what she had learned.
She replied that she had learned that Paul Revere had indeed warned the British that they were not going to
take American arms. 

Death Stars Do They Exist? Will they orbit the Earth?

- - - Doing right is even harder than it looks o_o?
It appears that smaller versions of the Star Wars type  device will soon be orbiting the planet.
Bigger more potent versions are in the works.
Needed:  a few good Jedi. knights.

 Not yet this cannot be right.
 But give it time. Someone will get a fleet of them up.

Bono's charity, One exposed Gives less than 2% of collections to the Needy

- - - Doing right is even harder than it looks o_o?

Bono long criticized for self promotion is being questioned about what he does with the money

Monday, June 6, 2011

Fethulleh Gulen Founder of Over 120 Charter Schools in the U.S. Who is He?

- - - Doing right is even harder than it looks o_o?
Bayram Balci , a French scholar says that  Fethullen Gulen has established schools through out
Central Asia and much of the world.

Weiner Fizzles Tells All - He Should know not to Criticise Obama

- - - Doing right is even harder than it looks o_o?
After all the bad jokes - 'I did not have text with that woman.'
Weiner Does a Bad Woody Allen Imitation at His Confession
Weiner confessed to what the entire country already knew. 

The U.S. continues Spiraling Down

- - - Doing right is even harder than it looks o_o?

This president  made choices to reorder vast sections of the U.S. economy.
Any politician is the sum the results of his/her policies.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Regime Continues Crackdown on Civil Rights

- - - Doing right is even harder than it looks o_o?
A few hours ago Adam Kokesh, the former U.S. Marine sergeant, appeared at the Jefferson Memorial..    Last week
Mr. Kokesh and a few members of his small ensemble were arrested

Friday, June 3, 2011

Primetime Propaganda by Ben Shapiro

- - - Doing right is even harder than it looks o_o?
Viewers have known for years that there was something wrong with television.  Bad wrong.
Ben Shapiro has established beyond doubt that Hollywood despises their conservative viewers.
In Shapiro's book he presents confessions

Flash U.S. Senate Prosecutes embedded You Tube : Deadly e-Coli in U.S.

The U.S. Senate seeks to criminalize more citizens. A bill

The USDA Did Not Know How to Use Excess Funds. Rabbit Police !! Link !!

- - - Doing right is even harder than it looks o_o?

Some fear the loan slavery of unforgivable

The Gross National Debt

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Romney's Candidacy met by Palin's Challenge

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One hour before Mitt Romney announced his campaign for President, in New Hampshire, Sarah Palin

Sarah Palin Exposed the Media for Fools

- - - Doing right is even harder than it looks o_o?

The media says she is not that smart but she is demonstrably smarter than they. The American press has remained
in a sustained  tantrum

Outbreak of Lethal Microbe in Europe - Never before Seen

- - - Doing right is even harder than it looks o_o?

Microbe shuts down kidney and destroys

Weiner Post becomes Weiner Roast or Huma has a Weiner

- - - Doing right is even harder than it looks. ?_?
The ado is about Rep. Anthony Weiner's public pubic. "Is that an iPhone in your panties or
are you just glad to be seen by me?"  Weiner serves the pubic - err- public.
Yes, the congressman who married Hillary Clinton's long time paid room mate, Huma.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Jihad for Money?

- - - Doing right is even harder than it looks. $$

The blog listed below has some graphic content so be warned.  Be warned.
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