Friday, June 3, 2011

The USDA Did Not Know How to Use Excess Funds. Rabbit Police !! Link !!

- - - Doing right is even harder than it looks o_o?

Some fear the loan slavery of unforgivable

The Gross National Debt

debt with which the Department
of Education binds our children.  If you travel, add the embarrassing and offensive stylized pubic groping
 practiced by the TSA while confiscating your best nail file,
or that handy little
 multi-tool you got for your birthday.   Others fear the flash-bang
of the Bureau of Alcohol and Firearms (BATF) breaking down  doors in broad daylight or the ominous, matter of fact questioning of a FBI agent.  The average American taxpayer, tops the list with that  non descript letter from the  Internal Revenue Service (IRS)

To this list of governmental horrors add one more agency.

Enter the USDA.

Some would recommend the USDA as having occasionally been helpful.

Farmers, ranchers and agricultural related businesses have long had a healthy respect for this agency.
But after 9/11 the USDA fell into anonymity in comparison to the discomfort, shock, awe and aggravation that  sister agencies inflicted on friend and foe alike.  Like her sister agencies the USDA hungered for the recognition (and funding)
 like that which the heroic Armed Forces  had bought with blood on the battlefield.
 Feeling eclipsed by other agencies in the War on Terror,  the wise ones at the USDA sought
 guidance from their holy books of regulations. 
And from those oft appended books gleaned the code that could be used to counter-terrorize
 one of the most dangerous  groups threatening the U.S., rabbit owners.
 Rabbit owners! Purveyors of Peter, Thumper, Flopsy, and Bugs,
 especially those providing entertainment for the local community and children,
 the weekend magician.  In fact, the USDA was tasked with the mad mission
of locating and persecuting any and everyone   associated with payment
for their association with rabbits.  And making sure that they have papers.
 Most people are not even aware that papers are required if you traffic in rabbits.
 But if your are caught with a operating a rabbit profit scheme 
without papers - and those papers must be on your person at all times.
 Kind of like a national I.D. for rabbit traffickers.       'Papers Mien Hare.'
 If an individual or family is discovered obtaining $500
  from the sale  or use of rabbits they are fined $90,000 for the first offense.
 The mandate was clear; Fudd must be fined.
Failure to  pay   promptly results in  the fine being raised to a cool 1 million dollars or more.
.  'Just following orders Mien Hare.' 

The USDA, Rabbit Police (RP) began to destroy private citizens and families all over the country.
 While terrorist shoot our soldiers both at home and abroad, unemployment is
rampant, energy prices spiking, food prices soaring, the country bankrupt, the
the USDA has settled on rabbit owners as priority targets to expend their multi billion dollar budget on.
  This also has the effect of draining resources from other agencies away from their supposed primary duties  like apprehending violent criminals,   prosecuting,  violent drug lords, securing the borders and low priority duties like that.  The U.S. Department of Agriculture  uses millions of dollars from its heavily padded budget to finance  female  agents ( no male Rabbit Police have been observed)  with an attitude and no makeup,  in plaid shirts, denim and boots
to cruise  America's roads looking for  signs of magic shows,
rabbit shows, a warren,even a petting zoo to make sure we are kept safe from unregulated rabbits.
  Their is no greater threat to America than home grown rabbit owners !!
The USDA budget   has more money than they know what to do with. Rabbit Police? Please...
Is this a spoof?  An article lifted from the Onion.   This must be a mistake.
It is absurd.  Simply nuts.  Our Government can't be that ludicrous, unjust and abusive.  Someone at USDA
must have fallen down Alice's rabbit hole.
 No my friend, while we slept,  Government slid us down the rabbit hole.

"Welcome to Wonderland Mien Hare."

--- Link below to read  a more complete play by play of the rabbit police in pursuit of various rabbit associated citizens ---

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