Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Nora Gedgaudas: Primal Body Primal Mind - Cholesterol Is Vital to Health

-Doing right is even harder than it sounds o_o?-

A few rough observations on
Nora Gedgaudas, nutritionist -
both parents were Lithuanian.

The food pyramid is just wrong.  The four food lobbies determine the  four food groups.  No group of people has ever eaten a diet in accordance with the government food guidelines.    The government aggravates diabetes and heart disease with 11 servings of grain a day.   This is best observed on the Native Peoples
 Reserves  where food is trucked in to the Native Peoples strictly according to government guidelines.    Native Peoples are more vulnerable to an agricultural diet rich in sugars and starches.

We can eat a wide variety of foods.  Our ancestors that could eat differing foods tended to survive when food became scarce.   Just because we can eat it does not mean it is good for us.
Moderation is very important to diet.
There is an Optimal way of eating.
Ancestors did not select food because it was optimal.
They were interested in surviving.   Like all animals they tended to gorge and store fat for hard times.
Our ancestors were hunter gathers with a very small exception.
Meat fish and fat augmented with moderate amounts of seasonal fruit and nuts made up their diet.

Although she agrees with Atkins on some points she does not agree with the ultra high protein consumption. Nora feels that the ultra high protein consumption can trigger carcinogenic  processes.

What should we avoid.
processed food
trans fats
commercial oils are all partially hydrogenated
starches and sugars
this includes honeys
soy (the newest food to most of us)
breads,  pasta, beans, rice

Moderating protein intake with less than 8 ounces a day.
Excess amounts of protein can trigger some forms of cancerous processes.
Metabolic pathways process rhybomyacin pathway mammalian targeted rhybomyacin
Do not over eat  a carbohydrate diet enslaves you.
If carbs aren't there you become better at burning fat
Fat burns with ketones.
Fructose is 10 times more glycating than glucose.

The fire analogy.
sugar is like kindling
starches are like paper on the fire
alcohol is like throwing gasoline on the fire

fat is like a log that burns long

We don't have to have sugar  or starch.   We can manufacture all the blood sugars we need from
fat and protein.   Every part of out body can function without sugar except the blood.The brain works much better using ketones.

Soy is a very dangerous food.  It can inhibit protein absorption and can lead to serious  mineral deficiencies.   Do not attempt to make soy your primary source of protein - just dangerous.
Moderate consumption - ok.  Large amounts of soy - bad.
Some eggs - good. Wild caught fish - good.  Not much sugar and starch. 
 Plants  create chemicals to keep us from eating them.
George Noori asked, "Did we have to adapt to eat chickens, cows, etc. ?"  We developed animal husbandry but we were already eating the wild varieties of  these animals.
The commercial meat industry is not treating  the animals right to create a proper food for us.
carbohydrates - bad eat only in vey moderate amounts. 

Leaky gut syndrome. We are not adapted to this post agricultural diet. An extreme agricultural
can errode the digestive tract in some individuals.
When the small intestine becomes eroded incompletely processed proteins get into the blood.
This leaking can result in allergies and sensitivities. 

IGE reaction.  Is an allergic reaction.
Sensitivity can affect everything from
Gluten sensitivity protein complex found in grains to peptides and proteins found in legumes. 

Diabetes is a disease of insulin resistance.
If you eliminate the starches and sugars you allow keton metabolism to increase naturally.

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