Sunday, June 12, 2011

Obama Administration's ATF Managers Smuggle Guns into Mexico

- - - Doing right is even harder than it looks o_o?

Hearings start tomorrow. Hearings into the gross misconduct of the ATF.
Their gun running activities are coming under congressional scrutiny.
Operation Gun Runner even has a manual.
  Rogue managers in Washington
forced agents to implement the insane policies.  
The policies were intended to create crime. This would be accomplished by
the ATF facilitating the transfer of fire arms to drug dealers.

These crimes were then to be used to confiscate force excessive regulation of fire arms.
The crimes in which the guns were used could then be attributed to supposedly lax fire arms regulation in the U.S.
Sadly, for the proponents of  more severe gun control laws, U.S. gun control is more than adequate.
Legal  American gun owners are more conscientious and self monitoring.  The problem
is with rogue power  mad bureaucrats.  And foreign powers that wish to make the U.S. citizens vulnerable.
The powers in the world do not like the fact that many Americans are ready and willing to defend themselves, their families,
and their neighbors.  The hope was that the U.S. Senate would give up sovereignty to the U.N. so that guns ownership could be more restricted. What could motivate someone to go to that much trouble and endanger the people of  two great nations?  What could motivate people to pursue such madness?  Do I hear anyone whispering conspiracy?
 Now why would anyone want to take guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens?

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