Sunday, June 26, 2011

Contempt of Cop on Coast to Coast

-Doing right is even harder than it sounds o_o?-

No one should make a recording of the police should be made illegal say police unions.

Video taping should not be a crime in itself.  As long as you are not interfering, threatening or impeding an officer say citizen groups.  It appears that some people can be arrested just for their attitude or perceived attitude.  Some States have laws that say.  'You may never video an officer doing their duty.'
New York is not supposed to be one of the above states.

A policeman in Rochester, N.Y. had a problem with being videoed from the woman's yard. 
The officer says "I do not feel comfortable with you behind me..."
Emily Good persisted in video taping after a policeman warned that she made him feel unsafe.

She stayed in her yard, continued to video and was promptly arrested in her night gown. The woman faces charges for video taping a policeman while standing on her lawn.

Good was arrested for  interfering with  an officer in performance of his governmental duties ...

Ian Punit and a former law officer discuss the ramifications  consequences and implications of the above incident and related events.  George D'Angelis teaches at Park University.  D'Angelis is a former Assistant Chief of Police in Texas and a professor of criminology. " You cannot disrupt the policeman's peace."

D'Angelis discusses the disorder "contempt of cop" and the need for accountable police.
And with Punit attempts to bring a reasoned approach to recording policemen and not hindering
law enforcement officers in the performance of their duties.
If policemen cannot be videoed the public may ask what are cops trying to hide. 
Some officers develop
The 8 pm to  4 am  calls wear the patience out of officers that stay on that high traffic shift too long.
The officer develops low or  no tolerance for any challenge the officer's authority.

The burn out of the policeman could be indicated by a disproportionate high incidence of three types of
Here  is a the trilogy of arrests which may indicate an officer is experiencing burn out.
1. Disorderly Conduct (public intoxication)
2. Resisting Arrest
3. Assaulting a police officer

Eric Bern:  'Cops and Criminals are the same personality type on different sides of the law.'
When are arrest nothing more than contempt of cop.

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