Saturday, June 11, 2011

Reckless Endangerment:... Ambition Greed and Corruption

- - - Doing right is even harder than it looks o_o?
Reckless Endangerment: Or how Out Sized Ambition, Greed and Corruption Led to Economic Armageddon
by Gretchen Morgenson and Joshua Rosner.
 from Times Books Henry Holt and Company, LLC copyright 2011

A remarkable book, an epic tale of epic tails and epic fails with unlikely origins.  Insiders tell what really happened to us.

The guys in this book make Charlie Sheen seem sane.
Must read for anyone that wants to know how the U.S. economy was devastated in recent years.  The book reveals the
the key players and events that have damaged the world economy and brought the U.S. economy to the brink of destruction.
This book names names.  It begins with a cast of  characters.  It list the mad men that generated the economic debacles on the
road to Armageddon.  Surprise, many of these, screw ups, thieves and sycophants are still in power.  The reader will recognize the
names both pro and con.  Yes brave souls opposed the reckless behavior.  They were few and failed to communicate the extreme economic danger.  But some resisted bravely to their own detriment the corruption and ambition that is in the process of overwhelming the nation.  Timothy Geitner is the most well known of the culprits.  Geitner is in the process of  administering the
the devaluation of the dollar. And the U.S. economy's decent onto the Armageddon plain. Geitner and the cast of characters that have
without question been more damaging to the world economy than the entire catalogue of  Terrorist in the last 50 years. Measured in dollar amounts lost by to inflation, thievery, and waste the damage dwarfs all Terrorist attacks to date.

The authors, Morgenson and Rosner are generally associated with the Liberal Democrat Press, have risen above their Democrat party bias and have chosen to give a factual play by play of  how we got to this train wreck in process. The economic woes we have experienced have been inconveniences in comparison to what is coming.  It is as if we the American public and the world citizenry
like prenuclear denizens of the world have just witnessed a flash in the distance and an expanding cloud as our skin and clothing begins to burn. And though imminent the shock wave is yet to hit.  Some will survive the shock wave but few will live through the economic radiation of  debt and inflation. The question remains as to how many subsequent economic blast the natives can survive.

Just one of many:
James Johnson, until now dwelt in anonymity, will doubtless be remembered as one of the most destructive forces in U.S. economic
and political history. With his common place name and  avoidance of public notoriety Johnson has continually promoted the most damagaing economic practices on the American people.  Johnson is just one of the players listed in their cast of characters that have caused so much suffering and loss  to the U.S. and the world.  This book is not for those who wish to remain ignorant..  Or for those clinging to stubborn denial of the havoc caused by Liberal leaders and Democrat party policies.
 A  read at your own risk. The events and characters are disturbing.

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