Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Obama Vows to Throw Every Child and Senior Under the Bus

-Doing right - harder than it sounds o_o?-
Obama has threatened to throw the children and seniors under the bus if he does not get his way.
Obama is threatening to shut the government down if congress doesn't to stop all job production.
Boehner is set to cave at this imaginary threat.  Raising taxes on those people and organizations would halt all  job production in the country.   This seems crazy but that is the view of many people.  For the record increased taxes have historically tended to halt or slow economic growth. 

Representative Allen West of Florida commented that about a third of the nations people are 'stuck on
stupid'.  Obama is either the most malicious U.S. or the most ignorant.  It is the consensus that while he is a beautiful man and so involved with his family that he does not know the age of his oldest daughter
that he is a good guy.   Obama like so many poorly educated people thinks that they can get everything they want if they take from the 'rich'.  This has never worked out well.  From the French revolution and
later the Paris Commune and finally Stalinist Russia and  Mao's China Mr. Obama's policies have always ended in dramatic failure and lives lost in the hundreds of millions.   Contemporary culmination of Obama-like policies can be seen in Zimbabwe and North Korea. Those are extreme examples but one could take a look at what is happening in Greece, Portugal and Ireland to see the transitional change in slightly more advanced societies.  Mr. Obama promised to fundamentally change
our America.  Many heard the word 'change' and cheered for the  'change'.  Obama's policy is to change the most productive country the world has ever seen into a country that barely produces enough for its own people.  Let us hope that the people not stuck on stupid will halt this failed process.  Unfortunately,  the Speaker of the United States House, Boehner is a weak man who has been repeatedly snookered by Obama.

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