Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Chavez Will Escape Cuba After Making Generous Concessions

-Doing right is even harder than it sounds o_o?-

After almost dying from 'magic herbs' Chavez gets a second chance.
It appears that Chavez was tough enough to survive the perforations of his gut by 'magic herbs'.
Cuban doctors were able to save him after he agreed to give Cuba oil at cost.  Cuba has no way to refine any amount of crude oil.  Chavez has arranged to have the oil refined before delivery.
Venezuela's poor after a brief boost from Chavez's social justice program have managed to increase their ranks.   The  now impoverished former middle class  have now joined the ranks of the Venezeulan poor. Things are just as bad  as ever.   And now there is no way out for Venezuelans.  Chavez has closed the avenues to education and advancement.  President Chavez's administration has rationed electricity and toilet paper
 among other things. Chavez has cut back imports on everything except weapons and his nuclear program.  Chavez a great admirer of Kim Jong-Il hopes to have Venezuelans in the dark eating the bark off trees, soon.  Venezeulans are in the dark now. The green cuisine of tree bark is just around the corner.
By collapsing the education system under unworkable rigid plans coupled with non stop political indocrination, he has effectively doomed this generation of Venezuelans to perpetual poverty.   The wildly popular and somewhat ignorant Chavez
spent the last few days prior to his hospitalization courting Brazil's leaders.  Chavez finally got it through his fat head that Brazil is solely owned and operated  by the IMF.  Brazil's president and leading politicians are merely figureheads.     Duhhh. Chavez learned that the reason Brazil was going green was because the IMF owned virtually all of the huge Amazon basin oil reserves.  As a consequence, Brazil has no business to do with the ignoramus, Chavez.  Brazil's Leaders have their own problems trying to keep a lid on Brazil's teaming masses.   Chavez was not even invited to review Brazil's prime rump.  By the time the translators got through to the strongman, Chavez was not feeling well.  It took awhile because Chavez speaks even less Porteugese than English and  poor Spanish. But Brazil's translators finally got through to the thick headed Chavez. The facts shocked  the strongman. Although Chavez speaks a lot.  It is very poor speech.  The resulting epiphany  probably  caused the initial seizures which caused the small perforations of his intestine and the resulting infection (that almost killed him).   Chavez is pretty tough.  Not as tough as he is stupid.  But  Chavez is extremely stupid.  Oddly, Chavez contracted cancer in the process.  Who knows why.  After all Chavez was taking his 'magic herbs'.   Hopefully the Cuban doctors will not kill him and he will be back berating the U.S. and touting the benefits of demagoguery, slavery and stupidity very soon.  

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