Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Mark Dayton's DEFILER Compulsion to Give Away Other People's Money

-Doing right is even harder than it sounds o_o?-

Governor Mark Dayton is compelled to spend other people's money.  Dayton is more tight fisted with his own largely inherited  wealth.  Mark Dayton was elected by the DFL party which is unique to Minnesota .  Such notables such as Walter Mondale and Hubert Humphries and Eugene McCarthy have been spawned by the   Democrat Farmer-Labor party  (DFL).  The DFL  party known within the Minnesota as DFLers  or DEFILERs  is solidly supportive of big and growing  government.  Governor Mark Dayton,  despite creepy soft halting speech and his compulsion  to take other peoples money managed to get elected  governor.  Now there is no backing down.  No matter the human cost or craziness,   Dayton intends to tax the state soundly or drain every one of the alleged 10,000 lakes.

Mark Dayton said that his mental disorder does not interfere with his sleep.

Dayton a wealthy Minnesotan  is very frugal in his personal giving.   But Daytons soft halting speech does not hide his aggressive drive to give away other people's money.   Dayton just wants to make sure that  that Minnesotans give more.  It doesn't matter to Dayton that  cuts can be made without harm.  It does matter to Mark that many  cuts may even benefit the states economy.   Dayton who may have transferred part of his substantial wealth outside the state of his home state to avoid paying revenue to the State of Minnesota in the past  has vowed to stick to his guns and increase the tax burden on all Minnesotans.   Dayton who believes that successful Minnesotans should turn an ever increasing share of their wealth to the State of Minnesota.  Dayton is adamant in his belief that government is more efficient at using money than the individuals who earned the money.  The Governor is adamant in his faith that  government has reached peak efficiency and does not need to reallocate and cut back in some areas and must have  a bigger slice of the economic pie.  Specifically  a bigger chunk of Minnesotan income.

 Some Minnesotans wish he would run off with a mono brow South American woman,  find an expensive call girl in Washington, D.C.,  start reaching under occupied restroom stalls for stray toilet paper or at least post his private parts on some college co-ed's twitter account.  However, Governor  Dayton is content with his two German shepherds and  spending other people's  money.   Dayton does not want to give in to the people's demand that he cease taxing the poop out of citizens.   Some have suggested that Dayton might sell part of Minnesota to North Dakota.  North Dakotans  know how to keep jobs and raise enough money to run the state without taxing the dooky out of their citizens.  As a result of the sale,  the part of Minnesota  ceded to North Dakota would be run efficiently.  And as an added benefit the occupants of the land ceded to North Dakota would be safe from Dayton and the DFLers.   A more extreme solution would be to sell the whole state to China.   Chinese officials could show Dayton and the DFL  a thing or two about wealth distribution among other things.  These suggestions may sound crazy or absurd but the fact remains that  Governor Mark Dayton, product of the DFLers, alone in his mansion, with his two dogs, has gone quiet mad.

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