Friday, April 29, 2011

Tax Crazy Now!

The Government attempting to save us from 'global warming'
by forcing us to use inefficient electric cars which actually use more energy
to transport goods and people in order to combat the 'fuel waste' of traditional

With the president giving the Brazilians money (2 billion dollars) to drill for oil while forbidding
Americans to drill in out own back yard for 7 years.

People proclaiming Islam as the religion of peace despite the commands in the Holy Q'uran  to strike the infidel head  and hand on every third page.

South Carolina legislature, with record unemployment and the blessing of the Governor voted 71 to 43 to break an agreement with and forgo 1249 job at the average salary of  $31,000.00 a year. promptly announced that they would take their jobs elsewhere.

People that wonder why there is a rise in the price of food just after the price of fuel increases.

People misunderstanding the  2nd amendment and placing all the weight on 'regulated' and then
attempting to regulate their fellows into slavery.

Government spokes persons explaining patiently why saddling our children with $200,000.00 of debt
at birth is not selling them into a lifetime of  indentured servitude.

The craziest thing is the number of people who believe or endorse more than one of the above.

Yo! Policy makers!  If you need revenue, tax crazy.  There is no shortage of crazy.
Or maybe you already are taxing crazy.
Yeah. Yeah, that explains it. Silly me.

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