Thursday, May 26, 2011

Obama talks over British National Anthem

- - - Doing right is even harder than it looks. __--

This is the President flubbing a simple toast to the Queen of England.
[see the you tube link at the bottom of this post]

The Obamas' finally allowed back into the Presence of the Queen, blow it again.
Michelle Obama broke protocol and hugged the royal personage at their first meeting.

Mr. Obama had earlier insulted the British by sending back to the United Kingdom a bust of Winston Churchill.
The bust  had been presented  to President Bush after the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center and the
Pentagon in New York City and Washington, D.C.. The bust of Winston Churchill had special significance of British solidarity with America. 

Winston Churchill is arguable the most important
figure in the last 100 years of world history.  Certainly the greatest figure in the English speaking world.
Without his skill, innovation and leadership it is unlikely that anything other than German and possibly
Japanese would be spoken today anywhere in the world. 

Oh yes, and Winston Churchill's mother was born in the United States of American parents; the only Prime Minister of Great Britain to bear that distinction.

Michelle Obama and her  entourage were apparently ignorant of royal protocol. The
protocol is simple and applied to royals and even common people of many lands.  ( You do not touch the person unless invited)  This is simple common etiquette in most societies.

For some reason the Obamas' continue to show bad manners.  Both the President and First Lady appear to be socially dysfunctional outside their circle of handlers and sycophants.

It  would be an act of extreme grace and forbearance of the Queen if they are ever allowed back into the royal presence.   - - unlikely that they will be invited back.- -  Due to their abysmal ignorance and inability  to learn common manners they will probably not me invited back.
At best the Obamas' will be viewed as ignorant yokels by the British,  if not the whole world.

The American people are alternately embarrassed for the bumbling couple, and embarrassed by their
uncouth behavior.

It is difficult to believe that Mr. Obama and the Michelle  possess 'earned' doctorates.

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