Tuesday, May 31, 2011

191 Tons of U.S. Gold Missing

- - - Doing right is even harder than it looks.++_

IMF Chief Jailed For Discovery that US Gold is Gone
The Russian Federal Security Service reports that the International Monetary Fund
Chief  Dominigue Strauss-Kahn, known as DSK, was jailed

Monday, May 30, 2011

Queen Concerned About Break-Up of U.K.

- - - Doing right is even harder than it looks.--_

The Queen has Signaled Her Concerns

Marlon Brando, Michael Jackson and Elizabeth Taylor on 9/12

- - - Doing right is even harder than it looks.- - -

What I heard while talking with my sister:
After Alquiada's destruction of the World Trade Center on  9/11/2001,  the following  strange events took place.

Egg storage without refrigeration and Food related Links

- - - Doing right is even harder than it looks.

If you are going camping or you live somewhere with no refrigeration or a place with little or no reliable electricity, you may still want to keep some eggs.


Never Mind the War on Drugs

- - - Doing right is even harder than it looks.- - -

War on Drugs move over. War on Crime move over. War on Poverty scoot!
Make room for the War on Obesity.

Beyonce's Run the World Girls Funnier than Double Dream Hands: Links

- - - Doing right is even harder than it looks.---
Is it just me or is  editing and choreography messed up?
Given that Beyonce' is somewhat of a sex icon,  the editor negates  the sexy look close up with a follow up of almost goofy choreography.

Roswell: the truth is more horrible than the tale of an alien landing

- - - Doing right is even harder than it looks.- - -

According to a Coast to Coast guest the following:
  Roswell, New Mexico  U.S.,   1947
Stalin sent grotesquely  surgically altered children to Roswell to demonstrate his power.   The Roswell aliens were

shrimp on treadmills

- - - Doing right is even harder than it looks.

Shrimp on Treadmills.

I think this video says it all.  Watch the video and enjoy  Enough said.


Sunday, May 29, 2011

Never Forget the Men and Women of The Military Who Gave All

- - - Doing right is even harder than it looks.- - -

This is a post in honor of those who gave it all.   The Soldiers and Sailors that have established
and preserved this great Nation, the United States of America and the United States Constitution  over the last three centuries. A simple moment of remembrance for those that have served  the U.S. in the military and died.

God Bless them and rest their souls.

And to all that have served or serve under the oath to defend the United States Constitution,
God be with you!

This is a faux post

- - - Doing right is even harder than it looks.
"No it is not Beyonce' on a draft horse. Its Sarah Palin on a motorcycle!"
"The woman on the bus is the one to watch."
"Maybe the woman with 14 children"
"Diplomacy is something you do with a mean dog until you can lay your hand on a rock." Will Rogers said that.

Check This Out: The Civil Air Patrol

Check This Out: The Civil Air Patrol

---Doing right is even harder than it looks.

MSNBC What is the Ed Show anyway?

- - - Doing right is even harder than it looks.

Who is Ed Shultz. He called Greta Van Sustern a 'slut'.  Sooo... 
Over the years he has done much much much muuuucchh worse.  If you are Andrew Ed Shultz (bad Karma) and or the oblivious holder of  several Guinness records for least knowledgeable on a number of topics, you never had much talent and you have your on gig on a failing network, your audience numbers are tanking, and you just need to chill out cause your wife reached some sort of conclusion
that she should have arrived at years earlier, what do you do?

Ed is the type of guy that would do this kind of thing:
Call a well known witty, salty, tough, attractive,  woman lawyer, author and Conservative pundit,  i.e., Greta a moderately insulting four letter word
that is not even considered an expletive most of the time,  e.g., 'slut'.   I think 'slut' is considered a pejorative in most cases.
Then 'unexpectedly',  Ed Shultz realizes that he,  the poster boy for propriety, crossed some sort of line.
Like he hasn't been so far over that 'line'   that he couldn't locate the 'line' with both hands and a GPS.

As if Ed Shultz has not  been over that 'line '  for his whole career.
Then Ed Shultz, the host of the 'Ed Show',  The Poster Boy for Propriety,  has an epiphany that
He, Ed Shultz, the soul of politeness, correctness and fair speech has erred, has made a mistake, a faux pas.   He, Ed Shultz must do more than publicly apologize on His own show,
 the very venue on which the faux pas occurred.  But Ed must do more;  He must take action to show that he is indeed sincere.  What better action than taking himself off the air.
 Ed Shultz must take Himself off the air for a long, long Memorial Day vacation.
Ed says to himself, " Aaaahh... life is sweet..."

And I think that is what he did.

Chinese prisoners are forced to play online video games for profit.

- - - Doing right is even harder than it looks.---
Allegedly according to a report on the Kim Komando show the following:
World of Warcraft or WoW as it is commonly known  can be torture for some people.  Some Chinese prisoners perform hard labor all day and then
are required to play online games at night to secure credits or virtual gold to be sold online by their
guards to gamers.  If the prisoners fail to gain enough game credits they are sometimes beaten.

Heinrich Boll, Ayn Rand, Mark Twain, Alexsandr Solzhenitsyn, William Faulkner, Joseph Conrad

- - - Doing right is even harder than it looks.
Engineers and sailors who would have thought they could write such insightful prose. Ayn Rand the
is the only writer that began her career as such.  It is ironic, that Ayn Rand though an excellent wordsmith and having writing as her first career produced the least powerful prose of the group.
They are an exceptional group soaring at the heights of literary achievement. But on average Ayn
Rand's prose approaches but never surpasses the power and poetry of the others.

Maybe it was her dedication to her philosophy that distracted her from the  literary heights she could
have achieved.

Executive order 1563 Under the Radar Extreme Regulation

- - - Doing right is even harder than it looks.

Mr. Sunstein is confident. He intends to design the regulatory framework to make
a perfect world.  (We will all get the chance to be a statistic in Sunstein's Sim World)

Cass Sunstein is tasked with the expansion of  Executive Order 1563
in an effort to insure that the government regulates every area of life.

Missouri and Montana suffering from Extreme Weather with video Links

- - - Doing right is even harder than it looks.

In the aftermath of a devastating tornado which destroyed nearly half of the town of
Joplin, Missouri citizens begin to pull there ravaged community together.

While the death toll climbs into the hundreds with hundreds more still missing   Joplin, Missouri
struggles to honor its dead and care for the injured.

Meanwhile hundreds of miles to the north Montana experiences serious flooding following
heavy rainfall coupled with the tail end of the spring snow melt.

Mr. Obama has ignored the the previous tornado devastation in Oklahoma, Mississippi and Alabama, widespread flooding in the mid west and south. 
It has become  widely known that the Obamas' do not care for the U.S..
It now appears he does not care for the people in individual states.
The above states did not support the Mr. Obama for office in the past election.
They most certianly will not support Mr. Obama if he chooses to run for office again.

It was  known that Mr. Obama did not think much of  U.S. national policies when
he assumed office.  It appears now that he does not care for the people.  Considering
his recent behavior in Europe one would think he does not care for people at all, other
than himself of course.
If the American's had a parlimentary system he would have recieved a vote of no
confidence by now.

Now he ignores the suffering of the people of Missouri and Montana.

following are some Joplin tornado links:


Aftermath links:




The Civil Air Patrol

- - - Doing right is even harder than it looks.
Information gleaned listening to veteran author Dale Brown discuss his book, A Time for Patriots.

The civil air patrol, is a a group of volunteer airmen.  Founded just prior to the U.S. entry into World War II.  The Civil Air Patrol is primarily self funded, i.e., the members pay for the vast majority of their equipment and training.  Civil Air Patrol members donate their time and skills.  No military experience is required by the Patrol but some members  are veterans most have
never served in the military.   The Civil Air Patrol consist of citizens who may or may not qualify for military service who
 range in age from 18 to 80 years of age.    The members pay for most of the expense of
training, equipment, uniforms, operations, fuel, etc.
  When on air force directed missions the civil air  patrol is reimbursed for those particulat missions.
Similar reimburse ment arrangements are made by state
 and local organizations for  missions requested or directed by those organizations.
Most states provide some minimal resources  for the Civil Air Patrol units in their jurisdiction. Very minimal, e.g., some limited storage space, a telephone and a couple of used radios.  In some cases the patrol may not even have had a phone funded.

(note:The coast guard auxiliary performs a similar function with similar arrangements, e.g., participate in search and rescue, disaster relief, boater safety training...)

During World War II hundreds of submarines were spotted, tracked and/or attacked off the U.S.
coasts by the Civil Air Patrol. The Civil Air Patrol actually sank one Nazi submarine.

CAP performed118 search and rescue missions in 2010.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Tim Scott member of congress 'Let's work harder-Let's do better'

- - - Doing right is even harder than it looks.

Member of the party of Martin Luther King, the Republican party.
Tim Scott,  Conservative Republican.  Mr. Scott has worked to bring
jobs to South Carolina by promoting a family friendly, pro education, business friendly
environment. Tim Scott has worked to promote
conservative policies as a state legislator and as a U.S. congressman.


Readers' choice: Congressman

James Clyburn 'Let's play cards.'

- - - Doing right is even harder than it looks.
File:James Clyburn, official Congressional Majority Whip photo.jpg
Member of the Democrat party. Likes to play cards.
In a safe district. Maybe not. With young guys like Tim Scott around,
anything could happen. Mr. Clyburn need not worry; the conservative
Tim Scott has his own district.
 Mr. Clyburn faced democrat opposition in
his last primary election.  Mr. Clyburn has largely ignored his
constituency in favor of following Nancy Pelosi's disastorous
policies. Strangely obsessed with interstate high ways, for many
years he has championed the construction of the unneeded I-73
which would run from South Carolina to Detroit.  The alleged
justification for the completion of the superfluous I-73 would
be to bring Detroit tourist to South Carolina.   Mr. Clyburn
ignored the fact that even before the current recession, Detroit
suffered from over 20% real unemployment and most of the 'good jobs'
had left for the Southeast or even for Mexico.  The afore mentioned
condition has rendered the area without the resources to splurge on
trips to the Carolina beaches via interstate.  The industrial flight
from Michigan was due largely to unfavorable corporate taxes,
a slew of government regulations and unsustainable  union
demands - all of which Mr. Clyburn  has slavishly supported
throughout his carreer.  Congressman Clyburn is one of the most liberal voting
Democrats in the United States House of Representatives.


$ Trillion Dollar Student Loan Scam Exposed $

- - - Doing right is even harder than it looks.
35% of the people on the Forbes 500 did not finish college.

Ironically, 35%  is about the default rate of  four year college loans.
The College Conspiracy is driven by institutions that know what they can get by on;
but also know what they can get from a gullible public.
What drives the price of college education?
Allen Collinge the author of the Student Loan Scam the Most Oppressive Debt in U.S. History.
The Wall Street Journal reports that credit card debt has been surpassed by student loan debt.
College loan debt is oppressive.
the price of  a college education has risen at about twice the rate of inflation
for the past 30 years.
The rapid rise of the cost of college tuition began with Richard Nixon's Administration.
In 1968 tuition in a decent four year state supported  institution   could  be had
for $200 by 1971  the cost of tuition in the same college had risen to $300.

Every couple of years
Congress will decide to allow the the loan limit to increase.
As soon as congress raises the loan limits the colleges will figure a way to
raise their prices to exactly match the loan limits.
Student loan advocates and the Dept. of Education have failed to look out for the
public good.    The DOE  should have said that 1 out of 3 loans default.    Student Loan default
is higher than any other loans instrument.

The DOE lies to the congress year after year.  The Department of Education uses a unique and disingenuous formula to determine the default rate.   If DOE was a private business its administrators would have been jailed for fraud decades ago.  DOE says the default rate is very low with a default rate of only a few percentage points. The actual default rate in closer to 35% which is higher than any other loan instrument. 

There are no consumer protections for student loans.
State usury laws, bankruptcy laws, statute of limitations, truth in lending laws are all missing
in regards to student loans.
The   DOE makes more money when students fail to keep up payments and go into default.
DOE is making 22% profit on what they pay out for student loans.
Some colleges will find ways  to default the loan without the students knowledge.
In default the loans will double, triple, quadruple or even  quintuple the amount of the loan owed with penalties and fees.

 Congressmen are typically of no help.  If you do contact your congressman he will typically send you
over to the Student Loan Ombudsman's Office. Sadly, the Ombudsman's Office is paid by the Student Loan originators.
The Student Loan Ombudsman Office gets its funding from the Student Loan Office.

Nationwide only 200 people of whom less than 8 get their student loans discharged in bankruptcy.

Congress must return bankruptcy protections to student loans.  This single action would alleviate if not end most of the abuses practiced by the Department of Education.
The cost of colleges is way to high.

Field Fellowship people under the age of 20 can apply.

The links below gives additional information on the Student Loan Scam.

Americans tell Charles Krauthammer to Pound Sand

- - - Doing right is even harder than it looks.__- -

Americans tell Charles Krauthammer to pound sand. 'He's a smart man he will know where to pound the sand.' 
These declarations erupted after the Pulitzer prize winning columnist appeared to give his blessing
to so called main stream republican candidates while dismissing conservative populist candidates.
Mr.  Krauthammer a Washington D.C. insider who has been tepid if not down right timid in his analysis
of the abuses of the present administration.  Though highly esteemed by republicans in the last century,
he developed and elaborate no win policy for the western world that has turned out to be largely
diversionary in nature.  "Just another way to drain resources while refusing to aggressively promote
the freedom of human spirit and truly conservative spiritual values and 'can do' attitudes that have made possible the vast wealth of the modern world. "   The once great intellectual force (Krauthammer) lost his nerve somewhere along the way and now seeks to encourage dead on arrival candidates such as Newt
Gingrich.   The American public's chagrin with Dr. Krauthammer stems from his dismissal
of candidates like Hermain Caine, Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachman as simply not qualified for
the job.   Harrumph.  
Our leaders are driving the train that is the country at ever increasing speed toward a chasm with no bridge across it.  To ordinary common sense working people who see this train wreck about to happen,  Mr. Krauthammer appears quiet mad.

"We need leaders that know the difference between a job and a 'productive' job."
Some might add to that the  concept of negative jobs which   destroy and prevent productivity.
Such jobs as are engaged in by operatives like Cass Sunstein and EPA administrators.
Somehow our so called best and brightest in both political parties have lost sight of the the difference.
And  fail to see  that it matters not how fast you can make the government train run if the bridge is out.
Charles Krauthammer, wake up!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Palins' have purchased a house in Arizona

- - - Doing right is even harder than it looks. - - -

Former Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin has bought a house in Arizona.
Sarah Palin's populist grass roots supporters are over joyed.
This signals a sustained and undeterred campaign for the United States Presidency by Mrs. Palin.
Sarah Palin hopes to be near her eldest daughter and grandson while establishing a solid base in the lower 48 to campaign against the her established opponents and to
be available to visibly confront the media so highly biased against common American values.
The biased network media personalities oppose Mrs. Palin almost unanimously.
Many of the American people feel the media has denied them honest reporting.
Some think the media has actively misreported the news in an attempt to smear the Sarah Palin.
She intends to counter the antagonistic news organizations with a sustained physical presence that
will enable her allies in local media to rally to the conservative cause.

 Her opponents put out
rigged polls yesterday to show that she has only 13% support among republicans while Rudy
 Julianna has almost 15%.   These numbers are patently biased as Mr. Rudy Julianna has
virtually no support in the south, midwest or west.  His support is highly concentrated in New York
City area. Many Democrats are on record as preferring Julianna as an opponent for Mr. Obama.
They feel he will   aid the Democrat party's election goals.  Rudy is viewed outside New York City
as a very weak candidate. 'He has no conservative credentials.'

Andrea and Valerie

- - -
     It is well known that the White house can handily beat a liberal republican.
    The president's advisers are  certain they can take down a moderate republican.
    The Obama administration would have a   fight with an establishment republican.
    All the presidents people know that a real conservative would kick butt, definitely theirs.

I was standing in the wrong place at the wrong time. And overheard ...
Andrea Mitchel was talking with Valerie Jarrett.   Jarrett said, " they [the administration] would continue to do what was being done" while Mitchell's bucket filled with water to be carried for the White house."

"There is nothing that O. has done that anyone wants more of. "

Andrea left with a full bucket anyway.
As Andrea went by I noticed  a distinctive smell.  As I looked at the buckets yellow contents,  Valerie Jarret pulled her panties up and adjusted her clothing.  Andrea stared straight at the camera and kept walking, bucket in hand.  The crew was non plussed.
All involved were as jaundiced as the bucket's contents - secure behind their smiles.                                                                                            

                                                                                                                       Valerie Jarrett
       Andrea Mitchell                                                                             

Debbie does not drive electric cars either.

- - - Doing right is even harder than it looks.--_

Debbie Wassermanshultz does not drive American made cars. She does not drive electric cars either.
She drives Japanese mid high dollar cars.
Greta  thinks she may treat her hair with mayonaise.


Sarah Palin embarks on a One Nation Tour

- - - Doing right is even harder than it looks._--

The former Governor of Alaska and candidate for the United States Vice Presidency continues to
break the progressive rules.  The wildly popular former Governor is widely respected by the ordinary
people.  Her common sense and coolness under fire could not be hidden from the public even when when the best pundits and editors mounted a concerted continuing campaign to discredit, embarass and cow her.  The attacks have even fallen on her working class family.  The media has disparaged  her daughters, her son who volunteered for military service  and even her challenged toddler.  The state controlled media has truly pulled out all the stops to prevent Sarah Palin from running for the presidency.   There is great fear among the statist, corporatist and progressives that she could evolve into a great leader that inspires the common people to do right and make America a truly great country again.  Thereby thwarting their plans to depopulate the earth and assimilate the remaining deltas and alphas into a Brave New World.  Guess who is going to be the dead or delta, dear reader.    

Undaunted,  Sarah's courage, respect for people and zest for living is evidenced in both her  private and public life.

According to her supporters,
 "Sarah is too down to earth to be effected by a bunch of phony blowhards."  After all she is a woman capable of putting a couple of   slugs into a  grizzly bear charging from less than fifty yards and drops the beast literally at her feet with her  pump shotgun.

Many inside the Washington, D.C. beltway and the controlled television media say she is unelectable.
The people refuse to believe media.
The progressive state controlled media pundits just don't get it.
The network executives  should start to wonder why no one watches the state controlled media anymore.

Governor Palin after ignoring the pundits and rallying the troops answered the naysayers with simple action.
Governor Palin got on the bus to begin what she calls her "One Nation Tour"  of the United States.

Mrs. Palin  truly breaks the mold by beginning her campaign with a 250 motorcycle escort.

Texas votes 138 to 0 to criminalize TSA groping - Federal/State Conflict Looms

- - - Doing right is even harder than it looks....

Texas House votes 138 to 0 to criminalize TSA actions.  The Texas Senate then voted 30 to 1
to affirm the criminalization of the TSA.  Texans are tired of being irradiated and groped just
to fly on a plane.  This occurred while thousands of Texans occupied the huge capitol building and the grounds. (The Texas capitol building dwarfs other state capitol buildings and even the National Capitol building.) Texas law enforcement seemed to favor the criminalization of the TSA.  The Fed's threatened to ground every aircraft in the state.  That would be a defacto
 blockade much stronger than the action which started the American Civil War in 1861.

The Lieutenant Governor attempted to diffuse the situation by refusing to recognize the action.
Ironically, the Lt. Governor appeared to use powers given to the Lieutenant Governor after the Civil War in order that the Texas state government could circumvent the onerous restrictions imposed after the last war. The Lieutenant Governor in some operational matters has powers unique to the Lone Star State.

The Texas law makers dropped the anti-groping Bill after being threatened with a no-fly zone.  (For those that do not know:  A no-fly zone means you bomb the hell out of any possible threat on the ground and
disable any aircraft on the ground while shooting down any aircraft that become air born.)

Who is in charge here, anyway?

The question remains as to whether American military pilots would have fired on American civilian air craft.   Texas pilots would have risen to the occasion if the Bill had become Texas law.

The Lt. Governor appeared to  use those powers to forestall the federal/state conflict that would have surely ensued.

Full Text of DOJ letter to Texas lawmakers:

May 24, 2011

[On U.S. Department of Justice, Western District of Texas, stationery. Addressed to Speaker Joe Straus, Dewhurst, the House Clerk and the Senate Secretary]

Dear Leaders,

I write with regard to HB 1937, which I understand will imminently be presented to the Texas Senate for a vote.

This office, as well as the Southern, Northern, and Eastern District of Texas United States Attorneys, would like to advise you of the significant legal and practical problems that will be created if the bill becomes law. As you are no doubt aware, the bill makes it a crime for a federal transportation official (“TSO”) to perform the security screening that he or she is authorized and required by federal law to perform. The proposed legislation would make it unlawful for a federal agent such as a TSO to perform certain specified searches for the purpose of granting access to a publicly accessible building or form of transportation. That provision would thus criminalize searches that are required under federal regulations in order to ensure the safety of the American public. The legislation also makes it a crime for a public servant, as defined by the bill, to deny or impede another person in the exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege, knowing that the public servant’s conduct is unlawful. As a result, it appears the intent of the bill is to preclude a TSO from turning away from the secure area of an airport someone who otherwise would have been subjected to a pat down as a condition of entry.

The effect of this bill, if enacted, would be to interfere directly with the Transportation Security Administration’s (“TSA”) responsibility for civil aviation security. 49 U.S.C. §114(d); 6 U.S.C. §202(1). Congress has directed the Administrator of TSA to take “necessary actions to improve domestic air transportation security,” 49 U.S.C. §44904(e), and directed him to “prescribe regulations to protect passengers and property on an aircraft … against an act of criminal violence or aircraft piracy.” ID. §44903(b). Congress has directed TSA to provide for “the screening of all passengers and property … before boarding,” in order to ensure that no passenger is unlawfully carrying a dangerous weapon, explosive, or other destructive substance. Id. §44901(a), §44901(a), §114(e). If the Administrator determines that “a particular threat cannot be addressed in a way adequate to ensure … the safety of passengers and crew of a particular flight, he “shall cancel the flight or series of flights.” Id. §44905(b). HB 1937 would conflict directly with federal law. The practical import of the bill is that it would threaten criminal prosecution of Transportation Security Administration personnel who carry out the security procedures required under federal statutes and TSA regulations passed to implement those statutes. Those officials cannot be put to the choice of risking criminal prosecution or carrying out their federal duties. Under the Supremacy Clause of the United States Constitution, Texas has no authority to regulate federal agents and employees in the performance of their federal duties or to pass a statute that conflicts with federal law.

If HR [sic] 1937 were enacted, the federal government would likely seek an emergency stay of the statute. Unless or until such a stay were granted, TSA would likely be required to cancel any flight or series of flights for which it could not ensure the safety of passengers and crew.

We urge that you consider the ramifications of this bill before casting your vote.

Very truly yours,

Georgia unrest (not the peach state) Eurasian Georgia 2 killed

- - - Doing right is even harder than it looks.- - -
This video link shows the police and protesters clashing. Mainly it shows the police taking control
of the situation and roughing up the demonstrators.  Two Georgians were killed in the action.


Gas prices will fall lower before they start Rising again

- - - Doing right is even harder than it looks.- - -
Economists say that gasoline prices in the United States may fall another 17 cents in the next
three weeks before resuming their rise.

Formation of a Nazi Party in Egypt is a No Brainer

- - - Doing right is even harder than it looks.---

Mein Kampf and the Protocols of the Elders of Zion have been steady sellers in
Egypt for years. Mein Kamf authored by Adolf Hitler outlines his struggle to create the Nazi Reich.  Protocols of the Elders of Zion is a book of apocryphal or dubious origin slandering the Jewish people.  Therefore it is a no brainer that a Nazi Party would find ready and waiting
members in Egypt.   Almasryalyoum, a group of Egyptians have established  a Nazi party.  The party's
founding Deputy is a former military official. 

The Nazi party like the Muslim Brotherhood had to operate in secret under former
Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak.  Mubarak prevented the Nazi party from operating publicly under his regime.

According to Al-Badeel Nazi leaders have proposed a more efficient one year plan to develop
Egypt.  A much more practical plan than the ineffective liberal parties.
Al-Badeel an Egyptian portal reports that the idea to start up the Nazi party came after religious
fundamentalist began to destroy religious shrines,  places of worship and attack unarmed
civilians.  Though some muslims were harmed, Coptic Egyptian Christians were the primary objects of the violence.

Fresh news on Crop Circles in the U.K., Indonesia, and Tennessee

- - - Doing right is even harder than it looks.
I found this out from listening to Linda Moulton Howe on late night radio, Coast to Coast with George Noori.
Fresh news on Crop Circles in the U.K., Indonesia, and Tennessee.
Find out more at the link listed below.  This is not my forte. However, it is an interesting little site.
check out  CropCircle.com

Detergent in Gulf may have killed Fish

- - - Doing right is even harder than it looks._--

The concentrated detergent used to disperse the oil spilled in the Gulf of Mexico
last year may be hazardous.  Its chief hazard seems to be making rocks too slippery for
crustaceans to cling to.   BP claims that the dispersant is little more than a concentrated
dish washing detergent. I suspect that is true.  With that said, such large amounts
of detergent and oil could have altered the gulf waters so as to enable bacteria and fungus
to displace the normal microscopic life found in the gulf.
Whatever the exact mechanism for the changes adjacent to the spill area, it most certainly disrupted
the ecology of the gulf at least locally.
The Gulf of Mexico fishing grounds have not yet recovered from the BP oil spill.

Japanese Reactors Leak Radiation

- - - Doing right is even harder than it looks._ __

The damage to the Japanese reactors seems  to be greater than reported earlier.
Radiation continues to leak from the four damaged reactors.
There appears to have been partial melt downs in at least two of the tsunami damaged nuclear reactors.
Possibly all four reactors suffered some degree core melt down.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Clinton is sooo phony.

- - - Doing right is even harder than it looks. _ - _

These are comments I heard on the radio.  Cannot attribute the remarks to anyone
in particular
Bill Clinton says one thing on camera and behind the scenes a different story unfolds.

Bill Clinton off camera tries to present one view then in a classic disingenous move he changes the story once he thinks he is being taped..   Hope and change anyone?

I love dogs.

Obama talks over British National Anthem

- - - Doing right is even harder than it looks. __--

This is the President flubbing a simple toast to the Queen of England.
[see the you tube link at the bottom of this post]

The Obamas' finally allowed back into the Presence of the Queen, blow it again.
Michelle Obama broke protocol and hugged the royal personage at their first meeting.

Mr. Obama had earlier insulted the British by sending back to the United Kingdom a bust of Winston Churchill.
The bust  had been presented  to President Bush after the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center and the
Pentagon in New York City and Washington, D.C.. The bust of Winston Churchill had special significance of British solidarity with America. 

Winston Churchill is arguable the most important
figure in the last 100 years of world history.  Certainly the greatest figure in the English speaking world.
Without his skill, innovation and leadership it is unlikely that anything other than German and possibly
Japanese would be spoken today anywhere in the world. 

Oh yes, and Winston Churchill's mother was born in the United States of American parents; the only Prime Minister of Great Britain to bear that distinction.

Michelle Obama and her  entourage were apparently ignorant of royal protocol. The
protocol is simple and applied to royals and even common people of many lands.  ( You do not touch the person unless invited)  This is simple common etiquette in most societies.

For some reason the Obamas' continue to show bad manners.  Both the President and First Lady appear to be socially dysfunctional outside their circle of handlers and sycophants.

It  would be an act of extreme grace and forbearance of the Queen if they are ever allowed back into the royal presence.   - - unlikely that they will be invited back.- -  Due to their abysmal ignorance and inability  to learn common manners they will probably not me invited back.
At best the Obamas' will be viewed as ignorant yokels by the British,  if not the whole world.

The American people are alternately embarrassed for the bumbling couple, and embarrassed by their
uncouth behavior.

It is difficult to believe that Mr. Obama and the Michelle  possess 'earned' doctorates.


Some interesting links BBC news Obama Toast?

Hitler and Dogs one Airedale hated the French

- - - Doing right is even harder than it looks.- - -

The German peoples love of dogs spawned some very interesting programs in the 1920's and 1930's. When Hitler came to power he continued and expanded the canine research.  Hitler's respect for dogs prompted him to encourage his  followers to
train dogs to communicate.  The belief was that dogs could be trained to converse  with humans and
even engage in abstract thought.

The hope was that dogs could be trained to guard prison camps without supervision. This would release the human guards for more glorious duty in service of the Reich.

The  Germans kept scrupulous records regarding their
research into dog development.
One Airedale was alleged to be able to converse by tapping out letters with his paw. 
The clever canine (no relation to Clever Hans, the counting horse)
was alleged to have requested to join the German army because he hated the French.
(This journal entry  may say more about
the researcher than the dog.)

Obama flubs simple Toast

- - - Doing right is even harder than it looks.- - -

Obama flubs toasting the Queen.  Obama has no one that
can brief him on protocol.  The President demonstrated his
further ignorance by talking over the British national anthem.
Probably one of the most ignorant men to hold the office in history.

Nazi Party formed in Egypt

- - - Doing right is even harder than it looks.- - -
Nazi party reappears in Egypt following the Arab Spring.
I thought the Nazi party was a bad organization.  Must have
thought wrong. What does the Nazi party offer Egyptians that
they need?
Will the Nazi party be able to function side by side with
shariah law?
Nazi's are on the left, National Socialist anyone?

The following is an update from the previous post.

Mein Kampf and the Protocols of the Elders of Zion have been steady sellers in
Egypt for years. Mein Kampf authored by Adolf Hitler outlines his struggle to create the Nazi Reich. Protocols of the Elders of Zion is a book of apocryphal or dubious origin slandering the Jewish people. Therefore it is a no brainer that a Nazi Party would find ready and waiting
members in Egypt. Almasryalyoum, a group of Egyptians have established a Nazi party. The party's
founding Deputy is a former military official.

The Nazi party like the Muslim Brotherhood had to operate in secret under former
Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak. Mubarak prevented the Nazi party from operating publicly under his regime.

According to Al-Badeel Nazi leaders have proposed a more efficient one year plan to develop
Egypt. A much more practical plan than the ineffective liberal parties.
Al-Badeel an Egyptian portal reports that the idea to start up the Nazi party came after religious
fundamentalist began to destroy religious shrines, places of worship and attack unarmed
civilians. Though some Muslims were harmed, Coptic Egyptian Christians were the primary objects of the violence.

Higher Fuel Prices are Good. Welcome to Crazy Town.

- - - Doing right is even harder than it looks.- - -

Everything from reducing your weight to reducing your chance of injury to ending war
are all benefits of skyrocketing fuel prices.
If you drive less you have less of a chance to be injured.
Even your psychological profile will improve as you are relieved of the stress of having a job
as businesses disappear and down size. 'If you don't have a job you don't need to
worry about being fired.'

Higher gas prices will relieve traffic congestion.
Higher fuel prices will shorten lines at airports as airfares skyrocket.
Higher fuel will make you safer because you will drive less.
Higher price of fuel will help us to drive less and save money.
3 out of 4 Americans will be characterized as overweight.

If we get petroleum up high enough we will be able to make food
so expensive that we cannot afford food.

The end of wars because we will not be able to fuel troops. It will just be expensive to fight wars.
(Like there  were no wars before the internal combustion engine.)

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

3700 organizations owing back taxes received $24 billion dollars in stimulus

- - - Doing right is even harder than it looks.- - -

3700 organizations owing back taxes received $24 billion dollars in stimulus.  The non profits and government contractors received $24 billion despite owing $700 million in back taxes.

The administration declines to name the organizations which could include union groups, planned
parenthood groups, and big donors to the Democrat party.

Oh Darn!!

Monday, May 23, 2011

KLASHIN sung at a Baptist prayer meeting: Another view of Cleansing Blood

- - - Doing right is even harder than it looks - - -
Cleansing blood from a non - Christian view.

I think of the first time I heard the Klashin sung in this country.
It was in a Baptist Church, of all places, at a Wednesday night prayer meeting.
I was horrified.  The Somali teenager singing the thing had a beautiful voice
which contrasted sharply with the blatant anti-semitism and blood lust the song
so graphically describes.  I think I was the only person there that realized what
the teenager was singing except the visiting imam from a local college.  The
imam rushed to shut the teenager up when he realized I understood the words.
He was not concerned until he saw the look on my face.

It was so horrible that the 17 year old had been in the country for more than
three years and still thought the song beautiful.  As the young man said, "I miss
hearing the Klashin sung over Somali radio most."

The Klashin (klasheen) is a song about what will be done to the Israeli's with an
AK-47 which is known in some parts of the world as a klashin.

So sad.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Oh Darn! I am attacked. I must darn their Socks. Or would a firearm be better. Darn socks and stay safe.

- - - Doing right is even harder than it looks.- - -

You may think the title is amusing but being faced with an aggressive man while armed only with needles and thread is not fun.
 If you survived, as I did you may want to continue your darning. "Darning quiets the nerves- don't you know." In that case you may find the links listed below helpful.

At the end is listed a sight that gives general steps to obtaining a concealed weapons permit (CWP or CCP).  You may need something more than short needles and thread in some parking lots. Note: the procedures vary greatly from state to state and if you are outside of the states you may have to resign
yourself to victim hood, also not fun. Oops, not talking about darning anymore. Darn!

A definition

Simple darning stitch



Gotta darn

Repair sock

repair clothing

supplies for serious darners

Repair fabric This goes beyond Darning

Self defense

Friday, May 20, 2011

Obama Asks for the Destruction of Israel

- - - Doing right is even harder than it looks.- - -  Doing evil is easy - - -

Yesterday, Mr Obama, in a public hour long address, called for the
death of Israel.  He publicly called for the suicide of Israel.
The call for Israel to return the pre 1967 borders which would
leave Israel with a width of only 8 miles near its center would
be the de facto destruction of the tiny state.  In Israel the old border
is referred to as the  'holocaust line'. 

The President of the United States
called for Israel to return to the holocaust lines and put Israel's International
airport within gun shot of Palestinian territory.

This the latest in Mr. Obama's 'throwing under the bus' actions.  This behavior
of 'throwing under the bus' seems to be compulsive on Mr. Obama's part.  Israel is
just the latest in a long line of victims.

In Mr. Obama's defense, Mr. Soros has planned the demise of Israel for some time.
Mr. Soros has spent untold millions of dollars in the support of Mr. Obama.  Some
would say that Mr. Obama can not refuse a request from Mr. Soros.

With this pronouncement Mr. Obama has insured continued extreme unrest for
the middle east with the potential to spread world wide.  War in the middle east
is all but assured by Mr. Obama's pronouncements.

J Street (George Soros) called for a return to the pre 1967 borders.

The Electric Universe and Thunderbolts of the Gods

- - - Doing right is even harder than it looks.- - -
Talbott and Thornhill

The hodgepodge of theories today do not make sense.

Is Science viewed as a joke by students today.
No sense or love of discovery.
There is no greater than NASA and physicist
But someone has to stand up and say ' We got the story of the Sun wrong'
How can we find some independent scientist that will speak out.
We need more Rogue natural scientist.

Is continental drift so much bunk?

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Mistress of Disaster

Gorelick tapped to destroy the FBI.  If Jonah had been a female Harvard Law graduate and
had taken multiple cruises, he would be Jamie Gorelick.
Jamie Gorelick,  Attorney General Reno's right hand woman who oversaw the
Waco fiasco and was instrumental in setting up the wall between the FBI
and other agencies that made 911 possible has been tapped to run the FBI
after having destroyed the home mortgage industry.

Jamie Gorelick, former Deputy Attorney General during the Clinton Administration has arrived.

What happened to the culture wars?

- - - Doing right is even harder than it looks.---

The culture wars are over and we lost.
When has anyone fought over any of the following topics:
drug wars
breaking crosses off war memorials
anti semetism
cop killers
death penalty
destruction of the English language
social promotion in academia

Think we lost.
Wonder what the sperminator was thinking?  What about Lohan?
The French socialist DSK is out of Rikers. Still under guard though.

Back scatter machines - dangerous? Naahh...

- - - Doing right is even harder than it looks.

The back scatter machines test for explosives and things the other machines can not

"Use dogs.  Use the technique that has worked best for decades."

Cancerous risk should be small according to the TSA.  "Truly trivial amount of radiation." says
the TSA. 
The device used to test the machines may not be appropriate to high speed pencil beam
that is the heart of the back scatter machine.  This generates intense radiation for very very short
periods of time on any given part of your body.

There are no independent tests results available to the public at this time.

For me I think I will opt for the pat down and hope I do not get a freak doing the
pat down.

propublica.org  I think that is the site mentioned on the radio - so I am unsure of the spelling.

Will Israel be this century's Chekoslavakia are doomed to Relive 1938 and the aftermath until we get it right?

- - - Doing right is even harder than it looks.- - -
this century's Chekoslavakia
Looks like it.
Or maybe until we get it so wrong we are back to fighting with sharp sticks and the occasional rock.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

South Carolina House says Yes to 2000 jobs proposed by Amazon.com

- - - Doing right is even harder than it looks.----

The South Carolina House  votes 97-20 to permit Amazon.com a five year sales tax exemption.
This vote was a huge turn around from the 71-47 rejection of the agreement with the company earlier in April.   Under the new bill, Amazon will build a 125 million dollars worth of  facilities and employ 2000 full time workers in the Palmetto State by 2013. The bill which  formalizes the deal, exempts Amazon.com from collecting sales tax for the state until 2016.

The Governor  said she will neither sign nor veto the bill if the senate approves the agreement
passed by the House.

Under South Carolina's constitution the Bill becomes  law in 5 days after being brought to
the Governor's desk. In order to be brought to the Governor's desk, the bill will now need to pass the South Carolina senate.  Senate passage seems  likely, since the house passed the bill with a 5 to 1 majority.  The huge majority is attributed to the efforts of  Representatives Bingham and
Denny Neilson.

Wal-Mart says it will regroup and try to convince the South Carolina senate to reject the deal.
Wal-Mart faces a hard sell.  It is doubtful that the senate will reject  Amazon.com's 2000 jobs.   More so now that awareness of  Wal-Mart's astro turf campaign has come to light.  South Carolinians realized that the 'Mains Street' organization which championed rejection of Amazon.com's agreement consisted almost entirely of Wal-Mart's and Best Buy's hired supporters.

Wal-Mart allied with Best Buy  had hoped to prevent competition for their  best employees due to the fact that  Amazon.com pays significantly higher wages - about 30 percent higher on average.

The Amazon.com jobs would include a health care plan and average  $32,000 dollars per year. That average pay is about $8,000 dollars higher than what Wal-Mart currently pays its full time employees in South Carolina.

It is hoped that several other businesses will locate in South Carolina now that Amazon.com and Boeing have chosen to join BMW installations in the Palmetto State.

Monday, May 16, 2011


- - - Doing right is even harder than it looks.

In 1948, when Israel came into existence after two millenia of Jewish exile  the world did a double take.

The Christian world responded with awe at the fulfillment of an ancient prophecy.
The Buddhist world yawned.
The Hindu world barely noticed.
The Secular world thought it interesting.
The Muslim world responded with outrage and war.

 If someone is willing to die tin order to accomplish a thing, would they lie to accomplish the same thing?

 Do yah think?


Escaping the United States of America Now

- - - Doing right is even harder than it looks.- - -

Blake Sawyer. (survivalist) appears on Coasttocoast


Is he a fear monger extraordinaire or is he on to something?
It is absolutely true that over 3% has already been incarcerated.
Mr. Sawyer hits it all from a social engineering point to a religious
spiritual aspect. 
He poses the Titanic scenario.
Blake Sawyer believes the United States has been targeted by the globalist to taken out.
That 90% of the U.S. population will be dead in the next 5 to 15 years so says Mr. Sawyer,
the survivalist.

He sells the Southern Hemisphere as the place to be in case of apocalypse. -or pick a catastrophe-
Fifteen years ago he moved his wife and children to this peaceful safe haven country
in  South America.    Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, and Ecuador Make up his top five.
I would have thought Australia and New Zealand would have made the list. Silly me.

As of this writing I am not sure as to which one. With what I know about Ecuador I would
have to eliminate that country from the number one list. Possibly Argentina is number one despite
its somewhat checkered past.

Oops what if Brazil or Columbia gets  aggressive.

He lists the big killers, war, disease, famine, natural disasters, civil unrest.

The U.S. is the most litigious country in the world.

Ted Turner, the Bush's George Soros and the vast majority of the globalist own land
in South America.

Mr. Sawyer says he owns no property in the United States.
He tauts himself as an immigration consultant.
The coming catastrophe:
This could take the form of anything from an asteroid strike, nuclear war, civil unrest....
When the do do hits the fan you will not have time to get the information.

What to do if you are of modest income:
1. You are screwed - This is not easy
2. There are costs
3. There is paperwork that has to be provided.
4. Pray that you are one of the 10%  that survives the catastrophe
5. Get the money somehow to pay this guy or buy a small home in S. A.
6. Even if you have a place to go when the catastrophe happens you may not secure passage to S. A.

Why do I get the idea this guy is selling something big time?
Not that having a home in the Argentine would not be nice- but stuff could happen there, too.


Save me please.

Joy Behar and 'whats her name'

- - - Doing right is even harder than it looks.- - -

Who is Joy Behar?   I read her name in an Italian comic's biography.   I think his name was
Cooper which doesnt sound Italian. Guess he changed his name.

I watched The View once.  I thought it was pretty bad.  But I'm sure it could make
a reasonably good game show.  It is my opinion that between the three  hosts, Whoopi
Goldberg, Joy Behar and Barbara Walters  there are only 2 active brain cells.
 Barbara appears to be hogging both of them most of the time.

My idea would have the guest where periodically guess where the 2 active brain cells
reside. If the guests gets it right over half the time, they no longer have to come
on the show again no matter what their agent tells them.

How do people like Behar keep good paying jobs?  I wonder what is her talent?
Even kids in the 70's recognized that Barbara Walters had no journalistic talents.
Now other talents youthful pundits and drones recognized instantly.
And it turns out that she was and is very proud of her private talents.

Which I suppose is misnomer since she did publish a book in which Ms. Walters'
private talents were heralded as being beyond resistance for at least one prominent
politician.  So I suppose her privates have become public.  Considering her
demeanor and appearance that could be huge win for birth control.

But Behar she must have been something to someone sometime. She does have a child.
Whats her name who never says anything and swears she will never apologize for saying nothing appears with Behar.  Whats her name has gotten all her friends and family to write stories
about her and published the stories.  Why people buy the books I do not know.
I've never seen whats her names books. I think her name is Handler. She says she had
a mean ethnic grandmother. I hope she is not some color because then I will have to
experience some color of relief. Brown, Black, Yellow, Red, Plaid, Freckled, Polka Dotted, White
Off Color, Blind, Disabled, Impaired, sexually modified, conceptually mollified or whatever
kind of  ---RELIEF----
Because whats her name was making such a thing about her(Handler I think) being really down on her grandmother and all her friends grandmothers.
I think What's her name is going to be the next David Letterman or something.
I guess mean grandmothers are the rough equivalent of stupid pet jokes for women.
I think she has adopted a neuter gender probably because late night is not yet
ready for a female wanna be comic.  (Lord knows Joan Rivers has tried and tried.  And tried to make Late Night work for a woman.)

Handler just didn't sound funny.
But then Letterman was never funny.  Except for his looks. I never did hear him as funny.  
He certainly was not clever.
Unless, you think 11 year old kids throwing rocks or fruit and then running away is

I remember throwing rocks and fruit down on the road when I was a kid.  When we were called down
by a neighbor who asked why we were dropping rocks on the road we offered a lame explanation.
"Mr. Turpin, we just wanted to see if they were going to bust."

His was to the point in his reply,
"What are you simple or something? Of course they are going to bust. And if a car comes around
that curve and hits them rocks a tires gonna bust. And then your daddies is gonna bust your butts when
they hear.  Now get down there and get them rocks off the road before another car comes."

We got the rocks off the road. While commenting on how stupid it was to throw rocks on the road.
And muttering how mean Mr. Turpin was.  But we knew Mr. Turpin wasn't mean. He was just telling us
not to do stupid stuff that could cost or hurt someone.

Maybe I just don't get it.   But I think Mr. Letterman is simple, unfunny and mean.   It is stupid for anyone of any gender to aspire to such a things.  But Handler or whatever her name is already makes many times the minimum wage. There is a market for mean and there is a market for crazy.  There always has been a big demand for mean.  Crazy is a hot commodity right now. The world can't get enough of crazy.
But it will get a lot more.

And then it will be time to be mean. The world will not be able to get enough mean.
Mean is going to be very hot soon. White hot. The rise in temperature will be logarithmic.


Sunday, May 15, 2011

Will Rogers

Will Rogers always tried to do right. Sometimes he lost money doing it.

Justin Bieber versus Osama bin Laden

Osama bin Laden could not manage a household with 3 wives and you expect me to believe he heads
up Al queada. Was he some sort of idiot savant that could not delegate to three well educated wives
yet ran an international terrorist network.  This is just not believable as the Indians say, "Missy, you can not hold your water with a story like that."

  The man did not even know how to hold the klashin, Osama's horsemanship was almost pedestrian. It is just not believable that he headed Al queada.

 And the odd bit about him being on dialysis that was just a lame excuse for periodic drinking binges.  Osama was just another recovering alcoholic muttering a bunch of brain damaged palaver.  The unflappable drunk conned the fiercely legalistic tee totaling Taliban into carting his portable still and cases of liquor around by telling them that the liquid was needed for the treatment of his 'liv err kidney disease' and he would die without the device contained in that heavy awkward crate. And if he died, who would tell them what the prophet wanted them to do? Get the picture.  And thus inveigled the Taliban and the 'faithful' enabled Osama to wander around the Afghan countryside like some twisted inverted synthesis of Hawkeye, Imam Francis Mulcahy, Klinger  and the rogue colonel from Apocalypse Now just ahead of the arc light.

  Sadly, bin Laden's soft spoken hate speech appealed to the inbred, the slow witted and the malevolent men without toilet paper arround the world. Men more adept at mayhem with weapons rather than words. From his cinder block compound, which appeared to have been designed and built by medieval   goblins,
Osama inspired these rash bedeviled brutes to perform a steady stream of atrocities around the globe.

Supposedly, Mr. Obama had Osama bin Laden killed and post humously water boarded. Why?
 Because he could.  If true,  the world will be a better place without Osama bin Laden. We will not see his like again.

We will see worse.

As for young Justin, no contest.
No need to take out Justin with an elite team of assassins dropped in from cloaked choppers. Besides Justin debriefs himself publicly at every opportunity. Sure he inspires the slow witted and easily influenced youth,  mostly young girls, to flights of innocuous sexual fantasy. No foul, no harm.

Never mind the seal team and the wet towel is to be used only for cosmetic purposes, at the discretion of The Bieber.

Democracy in the middle east? Democracy in Egypt?

Peace Peace but there is no Peace

Give me a break.
There can be no functional sustainable democracy in that part of the world, only with great difficulty.
Most followers of Islam neithor need nor desire a democratic republic with a bunch of negative liberties to complicate things.
 Mobs and Tyrants?
I vote yes,  give me more of that, thats what we are use to...
A sustainable democratic republic with a bill of rights and a goal of productive coexistance?
Yeah. Sure, just long enough for me to buy a rocket to cleanse the world of a few evil unbelievers.

Sustainable democracy and productive capitalism?   Naahh.

You might say many followers of Islam just want to live their lives. I say yes that is true.
Unfortunately, many of Islamic  leaders need villians to justify their elite position and power.
And never forget religious demagogery has worked for millenia and continues to work just fine.
Human nature has not changed since Genesis and Judges was first recited thousands of years ago.

Whatever your view on religion might be, one has to acknowledge that the writers of those ancient books knew the truth about what people would and would not do.

I'm sick of Lindsey, Charlie, Arnold, Newt and Michelle - give it a rest

Do we really care what these peeps do?  I don't.
I know enough out of control people already. Call me boring; however, I do not need to know about their poopees, burps and there many ( but zero relevent ) faux pas's.

The world is entering into a major era of lunacy not seen since the 1930's and I'm suppose to care about these spoiled adults - puuhhleeeze...

Donald get a new gig. We don't care about the COLB from wherever or facsimile there of.
The public waters are muddy enough.

No need to throw shredded documents in the muddied media to obscure a myopic and astigmatic public's vision even further.

The FBI Is So Over!

 Jamie  Gorelick,  former Deputy Attorney General during the Clinton Administration  has arrived

The following information from WRAL.COM demonstrates that Ms. Gorelick never misses a chance
to come down on the wrong side of an issue. (But she is always paid well. Smart Jonah of a woman.)

"Greensboro, N.C. — A former U.S. deputy attorney general defends Duke University in a federal lawsuit filed by three 2005-2006 lacrosse players who were not indicted in the now-discredited rape investigation hit national headlines for over a year."

Thank goodness we got rid of that pesky Space Program.

What has caused more mass extintions?

1. SUV's
2. Space shuttle launches
3. Asteroid strikes

Those wooly mammoths had some big SUV's.

Is school too expensive?

Is there an government education media complex?
Yeah I think so.

In 1969 tuition for a semester at a state 4 year school cost was about $200.00.
Five weeks salary at  a little above minimum wage would pay for one semesters tuition.

How many weeks will it take to pay for a semester schooling at today's wages?

Is it easier or harder to get an education?
Do yah think so?
Do you think?
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