- - - Doing right is even harder than it looks.
This past year Adam Kokesh, the former U.S. Marine sergeant, appeared at the Jefferson Memorial.
This time more people showed up to dance peacefully at the Memorial associated with civil freedoms.
The Obama regimes please rallied a crowd control unit and closed the Memorial to the dancers.
Kokesh (a combat veteran of the Iraqi war) was brutally slammed to the marble floor last week. Video shows the veteran of Falujah violently thrown down and restrained. Kokesh was arrested for dancing at the Jefferson Memorial. Though he was later released with just a few bruises.
Anyone who saw the video would question that arrest. At most, the arrest could have been for 'attempted' dancing. Former sergeant, Kokesh is rhythmically challenged and cannot dance. Like many rhythmically challenged adults, Adam can not keep a beat.
More of Kokesh's friends showed up the next week. Sadly, not enough to deter the squelching of their assembly. Fortunately, many of Kokesh's supporters are more rhythmically endowed than he. These unlikely champions of civil rights could use a little help.
The Obama police quickly mustered and pushed 'We the People' out of the shrine of civil rights.
The Preamble to the Declaration of Independence is said to have been written by Thomas Jefferson. The immortal
phrase ' We the people...' originates in the preamble to the Declaration of Independence.
Documents of interest:
U.S. Constitution
U.S. Bill of Rights (required before to the U.S. Constitution could be accepted)